Category: The Hamster
The SELARC "Hamster"
Vol. 46, No. 5 ................................ May 2019
The SELARC "Hamster"
*Serving Amateur Radio Since 1974*
Published Monthly by the Southeast Louisiana Amateur Radio Club Inc.
P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404
Visit our website:
See 2019-05.pdf for a printer-friendly version of this document
Vol. 46, No. 5 ................................ May 2019
* Club Meeting *
Digital Modes / Repeater Systems Discussion
DSTAR, C4FM, DMR, P25, NXDN and Analog FM - with David Hartley & John Guthans

Tuesday, May. 14, 7:00 PM
(19362 W Shelton Rd)
Pre-Meeting Social
China Palace Buffet
1050 Roma Ave, Hammond, LA, 70403
Starting around 5:15PM 

The meeting's planned program is presentation and discussion on Analog vs Digital Repeaters with David Hartley & John Guthans from the Ozone Club in Slidell planning to show how they approached the problem to develop systems that they are using on their repeater. 
For more information, please see the May 2019 meeting page

If you would like to become a member of SELARC, please print out and complete the application/renewal form and return it with your check to: P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404. Thanks!

Prize Drawing

SELARC still has a Yaesu FT-891 to be awarded to one lucky winner.
Please see Carol KE5GOC at the next meeting for details and to obtain
your chance to win: for a $10 donation per chance ticket (1 out of 60).

Special Events, Other Hamfests & VE Sessions

Special Olympics Summer Games @ SLU Campus Hammond, La. - May 25-26, 2019

2019 ARRL Field Day - June 22-23, 2019

OARC / Slidell EOC Hamfest - Sat July 20 -

... W9DYV's Amateur Radio Symposium - (One day before the Slidell EOC Hamfest) -

2019 MS Bike Ride: Dats How We Roll - October 5-6, 2019

Hammond VE Group - ARRL/W5YI tests are scheduled for the last Sunday of each month [with the exception of holiday conflicts] in Room "B" of the North Oaks Medical System Diagnostic Center at 2pm with $15 testing fee. Bring photo ID and any appropriate CSCE. For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Find an Amateur Radio License Exam in Your Area.

AMSAT 50th Anniversary Awards Program for contacts 3/3/19 to 12/31/19

2019 Members List

Club members: The below is the new listing of club members after the May meeting. If you have renewed your SELARC membership for 2019; Then please make sure that you appear on this list, and let us know if there is an error where you are missing from the list.

Members from 2018 or earlier not appearing in the members list have dropped.

AA5UY Guthans, John AA5UZ Guthans, Judy AB6DS Plyler, Russell AC5H Spruell, Ferrell
AE5FK Swan, George AG5EJ Hess, James K4BHY Oehler, David K5CAV Shaw, Ralph
K5JMR Robertson, John Mark K5KT Locascio, Joseph K5NDT Madden, Robert L K5QNT Redmond, James Jr.
K5SNB Shettles, John KC5WDH Liuzza, Jason KD5JRY Wales II, Lyle KD5PCK Hernandez, Scott 
KD5PCM Hernandez, Trent  KE5GMN Mason III, Edward KE5GOC Redmond, Carol KE5KMH Mason, Mike
KE5KMM Mason, Pat KF5IBW Baker, Albert (SK) KF5TQT Cutrer, Ricky KF5VLX Samrow, Keith
KF5VXO Bray, Carmen KG5AAE Melancon, Dean KG5HZU Swan, Joseph KG5JSK Ricks, Robbie
KG5KBS Ricks, Brenda KG5WQI Roper, Roger KI5ADM Wilson, Elisha B KJ6SET Stimely Jr, Larry
N5HAY Simpson, Tom N5NIB Bush, Ernest N5OQT Wiginton, Louis N5QOX Catania, David
N5RYI Sarrat, Walter N5XES Burns, Tyrone W5EGG Pierson, Allen Jr. W5NJJ Olivier, Jerry  
W5NPV Muller, David  W5NON Fowler, Addison (SK) W5PGS Grant, Tom WA5DRK McColloster, Lee (SK)
WB5ERM Liuzza, Peter WB5FBS Priez, Robert WD5BJR Miyares, Manuel  WD5BVC Muller, Susan
WD5CZJ LeCompte, Vincent WD5HLE Rogers, Larry
Get Well Soon —
Best wishes for continued recuperation go to SELARC members Tom Simpson N5HAY, Sandy Blaize W5TVW, and Homer Jones KA5TRT. We look forward to hearing you on the air!
In Sympathy and Remembrance —

We express our deepest condolences for the friends and family of the recent silent keys.

Lee McColloster WA5DRK who passed away April 14, 2019 at the age of 71.

Tyke's TidBits

Hello to all, well another POLLEN and RAIN rich month has passed and another one is still ahead of us, along with our number two enemy down here in the south....LUV BUGS..... YES... they are back! I have only seen a few, but mark my works, these paint and wax destroyers are SOON TO BE COMING... to a yard, highway and winshield near you!!!

Don't forget.....SPECIAL OLYMPICS is later this month, so be sure to get in touch with Bob - WB5FBS and get signed up for your favorite event early and check those HT batteries, they are only good for a few years or even less, if left unattended. most require complete discharge once in a while.

While it may be convenient to leave them on charge all the time, remember, most of the chargers today, may have fancy circuits and stuff, but are still susceptable to power line surges and spikes, so check them regularly, remove them from the charger and let the radio operate for a full discharge and pay attention to how long it lasted on Rx only mode. Also...use a Sharpie or other method on a piece of tape placed on the battery when you replace them with new, so you will have a reference of how many years of service they give.

It is also time to start checking your go kits/bags/boxes and make sure you have fresh water, food supply, non-rechargeable and rechargeable batteries on hand for all your battery powered accessories that are part of your kit.

Hope to CU at the meeting at Options on the 14th. it sould be an informative one!!

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - President
Minutes of SELARC Meeting of April 9, 2019 at University Center

President Tyrone N5XES called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM at the University Center and lead in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a self-introduction of all present.

It was m/s/passed to accept minutes for the March meeting as published in the "Hamster". Treasurer Carol Redmond KE5GOC presented a monthly financial report. It was m/s/passed to accept the financial report.

Attendance (18): Carol KE5GOC, Butch KG5WQI, Pat KE5KMM, Ed KE5GMN, Bob WB5FBS, William Harris KF5YBY, Ralph K5CAV John AA5UY, Judy AA5UZ, Scott KD5PCK, Ernie N5NIB, Carmen KF5VXO, Jerry N5GKJ, Jimmy AG5EJ, Lyle KD5JRY, David W5NPV, Eli KI5ADM, Bob Madden K5NDT

Correspondence: A new member application was received for Eli KI5ADM. It was m/s/passed to accept the application.

Committee Reports:

Repeater: (Tyrone N5XES): All repeaters are on the air. Addressed a problem with the real-time clock.

ARES Report (Pat KE5KMM, EC): Sunday Night, a standby net was run and some hams checked in - due to front, wind, and a tornado warning, and there was no report of local damage.
(Ed KE5GMN, DEC): GOHSEP did a radio test the previous week with a pass on FM nets & Winlink. They found their propagation issues to address, and this was their first successful ham test.

Old Business

Memorial Book Donations: The club has a backlog of memorial book donations. A list from Bob WB5FBS was passed around showing a list of passed club members and family members since the last time the club had made donations, since the program had expanded in scope to include family members.
A motion was put forward, which was seconded and passed, to restrict the program to memorial donations for the passed SELARC club members/former members.

  • Dr Nathan Forrest KB5YMA
  • SELARC member Michael Garig "Mike" Courtney K5MKE of Loranger
  • SELARC member Louis Leblanc KD5SUB
  • Charter member JR "Rick" Webb WA5PCE SK.
  • SELARC Life member Chris Fischer WA5RRN of Trimble, Missouri
  • Nick Farkas KC5NIE SK
  • Malcolm "Mac" Meyers W5SPI SK
  • Hilda Sarrat N5XOI-SK
  • Ray May K5AZU
  • Al Baker KF5IBW
  • Ad Fowler W5NON

Strawberry Festival: (Lyle KD5JRY) A Reminder was given of the special event station being held; April 12-14; Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Announcements: July Club elections are upcoming. 

Bob: Special Olympics is on May 24 - 26 - the week before Memorial Day; Set for all day May 24 and 25, and concluding generally at noon on the 26th. 
OARC / Slidell EOC HamFest Hamfest - Sat July 20, 2019 - John Slidell Park Gymnasium, 105 Robert Blvd, Slidell, LA.
W9DYV's Amateur Radio Symposium: 1day before -

Educational Program: A training video was shown related to types and manufacturing of Coaxial cable; this was an earlier part to an interview shown at the previous meeting.

It was m/s/passed to adjourn at 8:02pm

Submitted by Vice-President/Secretary Jimmy Hess AG5EJ
For Sale

Tower for Sale
Rohn 25 for sale - 4 straight and 1 top (approx. 50ft),
  with a short or long section for concrete,
  with house bracket - no rotor plate - $400.00

Also: 1- Rohn HDx-45 free-standing tower - $150.00
1- Spaulding HDx-45 free-standing tower (pre-Rohn buyout) - $150.00
additional loose sections of Rohn 25 available - price varies on condition of tower sections
all trades...u pick up!!
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hustler Vertical 6BTV+, 17 Meter Add-On
Omni 6 rig with power supply
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 985-630-2200

Community News

Sent in by N5EKF of the Ascension Amateur Radio Club K5ARC: The May 2019 Edition of Ascension Airwaves

The FCC has released its Report and analysis of Hurricane Michael impact on communications: preparation, effect and recovery.

News from ARRL

==> Faster, More Contest-Friendly FT4 Digital Protocol Beta Version to Debut on April 29
A new, speedier, more contest-friendly digital mode is just days away, initially in beta form. WSJT-X developers say serious work on the new FT4 protocol began shortly after the FT8 Roundup held last December 1 - 2. The goal was a mode that could compete with RTTY contesting in terms of contact rates, while preserving many of the benefits of FT8. ...

==> Science and Technology: An Ultra-Small Transmitter for VLF?
A study, "A high Q piezoelectric resonator as a portable VLF transmitter," by Stanford University SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory researcher Mark A. Kemp et al., in the April 12, 2019, edition of Nature Communications describes using a small rod of lithium niobate and taking advantage of the material's piezoelectric properties to convert an imposed voltage to a mechanical effect, which in turn radiates an electromagnetic current.
The National Accelerator Lab describes the research in an article, "SLAC develops novel compact antenna for communicating where radios fail," which said a new type of pocket-sized devices "could be used in portable transmitters for rescue missions and other challenging applications demanding high mobility" where conventional radios don't work, such as under water, through the ground, and over very long distances through air. "The device emits VLF radiation with wavelengths of tens to hundreds of miles. These waves travel long distances beyond the horizon and can penetrate environments that would block radio waves with shorter wavelengths." ...

==> IARU Argues for Protection from Wireless Power Transfer Spurious Emissions
The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) was represented April 8 - 10, when CEPT Committee SE24 - Short Range Devices met in Ankara, Turkey, to undertake further work concerning wireless power transfer/transmission (WPT). SE24 is considering WPT for electric vehicles (WPT-EV) and also for generic applications.
IARU already provided extensive input on the potential impact on radio communications resulting from spurious emissions from WPT devices, as detailed in CEPT ECC Report 289, published in January. ...

==> Astronaut and Pioneer for Amateur Radio in Space Owen Garriott, W5LFL, SK
Owen K. Garriott, W5LFL, the US astronaut who pioneered the use of Amateur Radio to make contacts from space, died April 15 at his home in Huntsville, Alabama. He was 88. Garriott's ham radio activity ushered in the formal establishment of Amateur Radio in space, first as SAREX (the Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment), and later as ARISS (Amateur Radio on the International Space Station). ...

==> ARRL and FCC Sign Memorandum to Implement New Volunteer Monitor Program
ARRL and the FCC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that paves the way to implement the new and enhanced Volunteer Monitor program. The memorandum establishes the Volunteer Monitors as a replacement for the Official Observers (OO) program. Current OOs have been encouraged to participate in the new program. ...

==> Department of Defense to Transmit Interoperability Exercise Info via WWV/WWVH
The US Department of Defense (DOD) plans to start making use of a provisional time slot on WWV and WWVH to announce upcoming HF military communication exercises and how the Amateur Radio community can become involved in them. The announcements will occur at 10 minutes past on WWV and at 50 minutes past on WWVH. WWV and WWVH transmit on 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20 MHz. ...

==> Petition for Rule Making Calls for "Amateur Digital Mode Transparency" 
The FCC is accepting comments on a Petition for Rule Making (RM-11831) seeking to amend FCC Part 97 rules that require all ham radio digital transmissions to use techniques "whose technical characteristics have been documented publicly." The Petition, filed by Ron Kolarik, K0IDT, of Lincoln, Nebraska, expresses concerns that some currently used digital modes are not readily and freely able to be decoded, and it asks the FCC to require all digital codes to use protocols that "can be monitored in [their] entirety by third parties with freely available, open-source software," per §97.113(a)(4). ...

==> MIT Requests FCC Rules Waiver for Medical Monitoring Device
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is seeking a waiver of some Part 15 rules in order to obtain FCC certification of its WiTrack System, a swept-frequency ultra-wide band (UWB) indoor medical monitoring device. According to MIT, the WiTrack System uses an indoor swept signal of up to 2.5 GHz in the 6 - 8.5 GHz band to passively monitor mobility, breathing, and other physiological signals in patients and senior adults...

==> AMSAT, ARRL Comment in FCC Orbital Debris Mitigation Proceeding
AMSAT has told the FCC that several proposed rule changes related to the mitigation of orbital debris would have an extremely detrimental effect on both the Amateur Satellite Service and AMSAT's ability to launch and operate new satellites, including AMSAT's upcoming GOLF satellites. AMSAT filed comments on April 5 on an FCC Notice of Proposed Rule Making in IB Docket 18-313. AMSAT argues that amateur satellites often have longer mission lifespans than other small satellites and that the FCC should take a mission duration of 5 to 10 years into account when determining whether or not an amateur satellite will meet the orbital debris regulations, either by transferring to a parking orbit or re-entering the atmosphere within 25 years of mission completion. Current practice is to assume a "zero-year" mission and to require that amateur satellites meet the debris regulations. ...

--The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League


Stay Radio active -- See you at the next meeting, Tue, May. 14, 2019; 7:00PM at Options in Hammond, LA


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