Category: The Hamster


The SELARC "Hamster"

*Serving Amateur Radio Since 1974*
Published Monthly by the Southeast Louisiana Amateur Radio Club Inc.
P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404
Visit our website:
Vol. 46, No. 1 ................................ January 2019
* Club Meeting *

Tuesday Jan. 8, 7:00 PM
Ponchatoula Community Center
Ponchatoula, Louisiana
(300 N. Fifth Street, Range Road)
Elevator Access
Talk-in 147.00 (-600) w/107.2 Tone -- Handicap Access

If you would like to become a member of SELARC, please print out and complete the application/renewal form and return it with your check to: P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404. Thanks!

SELARC 2019 Hamfest

The SELARC Hamfest on January 19, 2019, in Hammond is less than 2 weeks away, and the club is still in need of many more ticket sales and needed members or other volunteers to help work the event.
We request all members come to the next meeting, and make sure you have signed up to work the Hamfest or contact Tyrone This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to sign up, and sell as many tickets as you can! Those current members who take and turn in paid sales of the most $5 tickets - and minimum of 20 or more tickets by the end of the day before the Hamfest receive special thanks and recognition from the club plus the incentive of 1-year dues-free extension of SELARC membership.

The 4 main prizes for tickets also listed on the SELARC Hamfest program and rules page - main prize winners do not need to be present at the drawing and if a non-ham wins can receive the cash value equivalent in place of item, prizes include:

  • 1st Prize: Yaesu FT-891 HF Transceiver - HF and 6 Meters, All-mode Transceiver, 100W (25W AM)
  • 2nd Prize: Rig Expert AA-230 - Zoom Antenna Analyzer
  • 3rd Prize: Heil Sound Pro Set - Elite 6 Headset
  • 4th Prize: Yaesu FT-60 Dual Band Handheld

For any questions about the drawing or more information needed to help sell tickets, please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Special Events, Other Hamfests & VE Sessions

38th Annual Hammond Hamfest on January 19, 2019 sponsored by SELARC at the Pennington Student Activity Center on the campus of Southeastern Louisiana University! Details are online here.

2019 Orange HamFest on February 23, 2019 at Orange County Convention & Expo Center - more information...

Hammond VE Group - ARRL/W5YI tests are scheduled for the last Sunday of each month [with the exception of holiday conflicts] in Room "B" of the North Oaks Medical System Diagnostic Center at 2pm with $15 testing fee. Bring photo ID and any appropriate CSCE. For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Find an Amateur Radio License Exam in Your Area.

Happy Birthday!!

Birthday Wishes for January go out to - Keith KF5VLX, Pete WB5ERM, Tom N5HAY, Lee WA5DRK, and Larry WD5HLE.

If we missed your birthday, please let us know.

Best wishes for continued recuperation go to SELARC members James Redmond K5QNT, Tom Simpson N5HAY, Al Baker KF5IBW and Sandy Blaize W5TVW. We look forward to hearing you on the air!
VE Session Results -

Congratulations to the following new HAMs and upgrades!!

Elliott Eaton - New Orleans, La.
David Cook - Denham Springs, La
Mike Schwaller / KI5ADL - Prairievile, La.
William Crummett / K5WPC - Baton Rouge, La.
Greg Fortune Sr. / WD5GNX - Slidell, La.

We had great turnout of examinees' for 2018, with over 50 participants getting their first license or upgrading their current license! I would hope that we have convinced some of those who upgraded their licenses, to take the extra step and become VEs', or maybe even become instructors!

We will be in need of VEs' for the Hammond Hamfest, so PLEASE..... if you are available, come give us a hand!

Once again, many thanks to those DEDICATED FEW, who are always there when needed for our sessions!

Sincerely es 73

Tyrone Burns / N5XES - Hammond VE Group - Liason

Tyke's TidBits

Well, looks like we finally have break in the messy weather. The Sun is shining brightly in the southern sky and the wind is blowing, so just maybe, we will start drying out! I sincerely hope everyone has made it through the holiday season in good health.

Our 38th Annual Hammond Hamfest is now upon us, so now is the time to really sell raffle tickets. We have less than three weeks to make this event a success, so sell if you have them, or pick them up from Carol / KE5GOC. She will have the tickets at the upcoming club meeting. We are in need of more member participation for the various Hamfest duties, so please, sign up at the club meeting.

Hoping to see you on Tuesday at 7:00pm at the Ponchatoula Community Center on 8 Jan, 2019!


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - President

Minutes of SELARC Meeting of December 11, 2018 at Options in Hammond

President Tyrone Burns N5XES called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM at the club Christmas party and led in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a self-introduction of all present.

It was m/s/passed to accept minutes for the November meeting as published in the "Hamster". Treasurer Carol Redmond KE5GOC presented a monthly financial report, and it was m/s/passed to accept the financial report.

Attendance (18): Tyrone N5XES, Carol KE5GOC, Jennifer Burgo Wales, Lyle Wales KD5JRY, Jerry Burg N5GKJ, David Muller W5NPV, Tom Grant W5PGS, Keith Samrow KF5VLX, Scott Hernandez KD5PCK, Jimmy Hess AG5EJ, Nancy Shaw, Ralph Shaw K5CAV, Ellen Priez, Bob Priez WB5FBS, Bill Borstel KB5SKW, Peg Borstel KC5BXU, Mark Lacey WX5RN, Ernie Bush N5NIB

Correspondence: A membership renewal was received from Tom Grant - W5PGS.

Committee Reports: Repeater(Tyrone N5XES) - All repeaters are on the air; the 147 repeater controller is in full service with all user functions available; software makes the difference!

ARES(Bob WB5FBS): Bob responded to a questions about which are the titles of the ARRL/ARES co-ordinators: John Mark Robertson (K5JMR) - is the LA ARRL Section Manager, and Jim Coleman (AI5B) is the ARES SEC,
Then followed up with the reminder that the Tangi ARES Net meets on Monday nights at 8:30PM, and all hams are encouraged to participate. Bob also explains that he has put in resignment from the Region-9 DEC recommending Ed to take the position.

New Business: Tom Simpson Donated 2meter rig power supplies, 2 meter HT, sidekeyer, and misc. to the club, now at the club station.a

Old Business:
Club Christmas Party - Ernie/N5NIB setup the signup genius page for today's party, sent out emails. That was also announced on the ARES net.

Hamfest - Tyrone/N5XES Reports that we have some additional swap table reservations. Carol gave an estimate of the ticket sales so far, and the club still needs many more tickets sold to cover the Hamfest costs.
Members are urged to sell tickets, and reminded they make great christmas presents. Please see Carol.
A Hamfest work schedule was passed around to request members review/sign-up to work the Hamfest on January 19, 2019.

Adjournment: It was m/s/passed to adjourn the meeting at 8:00pm.

Submitted by Vice-President/Secretary Jimmy Hess AG5EJ

News from ARRL

==> Broadcasters Intruding on Exclusive Amateur Radio Frequencies
The International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 (IARU-R1) Monitoring System (IARUMS) reports that Radio Hargeisa in Somaliland has returned to 7,120 kHz after a break of several weeks, while Radio Eritrea has been reported on 7,140 and 7,180 kHz. Radio Sudan has been transmitting on 7,205 kHz with excessive splatter, IARUMS said. German telecommunications authorities have filed official complaints.
IARUMS has also reported digital signals attributed to the Israeli Navy on 7,107 and 7,150 kHz. In addition, a Russian military F1B signal was observed in mid-November on 7,179 kHz. A Russian over-the-horizon radar has returned to 20 meters on 14,335 - 14,348 kHz. It was monitored on November 22.
Earlier this fall, IARUMS reported digital signals from the Polish military daily on 7,001.8 kHz where Amateur Radio has a worldwide primary allocation. Telecommunications officials in Germany filed a complaint.
IARUMS has received reports of short "beeps" exactly 1 second apart, as well as frequency hopping between 10,108 and 10,115 kHz and 18,834 and 18,899 kHz. The signals are believed to emanate from a site near Chicago associated with an FCC-licensed experimental operation involved with low-latency exchange trading on HF (see "Experiments Look to Leverage Low-Latency HF to Shave Microseconds off Trade Times"). Although Amateur Radio is secondary on 30 and 17 meters, Experimental licenses may not interfere with Amateur Radio operations.

==> FCC Outlines Impact on its Operations of Potential Funding Lapse
The FCC suspended "most operations" at mid-day on Thursday, January 3, due to the continued partial lapse in federal government funding. The agency spelled out the impact of the funding lapse in a January 2 Public Notice Some systems that have gone dark in prior government shutdowns will remain operational this time, however. That includes the FCC website, although it will not be updated except for matters related to spectrum auction activities and those necessary for the protection of life and property, until normal operations resume. The FCC Daily Digest will continue to appear.
The Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS), the Universal Licensing System (ULS), the Electronic Document Management System (EDOCS), and the Commission Online Registration System (CORES) will remain available, but no support will be provided except that necessary for spectrum auction activity that covers the costs involved.
According to the Public Notice, ULS and ECFS filings, among others, "will not be reviewed or processed and will be considered accepted on the day following the day of return to normal operations." This would include the processing of Amateur Radio applications. ...

==> Radio Amateurs Support Emergency Communication in Tsunami's Wake
Radio amateurs in Indonesia's Banten Province are in position to support any necessary emergency communication in the wake of a "stealth tsunami" on December 22, that struck without warning. Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency concluded that "the eruption triggered a landslide underwater" at Anak Krakatau.
The tsunami struck in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra, which connects the Java Sea to the Indian Ocean. Rescue and relief activities are under way. The death toll was expected to top 400, with some 1,500 injured. Many were reported to be still missing. Fatalities occurred in the Pandeglang, South Lampung, and Serang regions of Indonesia.
IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Coordinator Dani Hidayat, YB2TJV, said in the immediate aftermath that ORARI, Indonesia's IARU member-society, would use 7.110 MHz for any relief and recover communication.

==> WRTC 2022 Organizing Committee Unveils New Website, Initial Qualification Rules
The World Radiosport Team Championship 2022 (WRTC 2022) Organizing Committee has debuted its Official Website as well as the Initial Qualification Rules -- already under vigorous debate -- to be selected as a WRTC 2022 team leader. While 2022 may seem a long way off, the qualifying events -- 24 in all -- take place between February 2019 and November 2020. Each qualifying event has a point value that's used in calculating qualifying scores, and each entry category has been assigned a weighting factor.
"Please don't think that WRTC is only for Top Guns," the announcement said. "You might have a chance." According to the announcement, WRTC 2022 Selection Areas are much smaller, so that operators on all continents will have more chances to qualify. Team leaders, once established, will select a team member from among the top applicants who did not qualify as team leaders. "WRTC 2022 is now for everybody. The only things that you will need are commitment, motivation, and skill," the announcement said.

==> FCC Reaches $900,000 Settlement in Unauthorized Satellite Launch Case
The FCC has settled an investigation into an alleged unauthorized launch and operation of small satellites by Swarm Technologies. The company agreed to a Consent Decree that included a $900,000 penalty, an extended period of FCC oversight, and a requirement of pre-launch notices to the FCC, among other stipulations.
"We will aggressively enforce the FCC's requirements that companies seek FCC authorization prior to deploying and operating communications satellites and earth stations," FCC Enforcement Bureau Chief Rosemary Harold said. "These important obligations protect other operators against radio interference and collisions, making space a safer place to operate."

==> ARRL Petitions FCC to Incorporate Parity Act Provisions into its Amateur Radio Rules
The ARRL has filed a Petition for Rulemaking (PRM) asking the FCC to amend its Part 97 Amateur Service rules to incorporate the provisions of the Amateur Radio Parity Act. The Petition has not yet been assigned a rule making (RM) number and is not yet open for public comment. In the past, the FCC has said that it would not take such action without guidance from the US Congress, but, as ARRL's Petition notes, Congress "has overwhelmingly and consistently" offered bipartisan support for the Amateur Radio Parity Act. ...

==> New Amateur Radio Packet Gear Awaits Unpacking, Installation on Space Station
New Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) packet equipment awaits unpacking and installation on board the station after arriving in November as part of the cargo transported via a Russian 71P Progress resupply vehicle. The new packet module for NA1SS will replace the current packet gear, which has been intermittent over the past year. ...

==> Fox-1Cliff/AO-95 Suffers Apparent Receiver Failure
The receiver on the newly launched Fox-1Cliff/AO-95 CubeSat seems to have suffered a receiver failure that could render the satellite unusable, AMSAT said over the weekend. Efforts continue by AMSAT Engineering to establish the cause of the problem and determine if a fix is possible. AMSAT Vice President-Engineering Jerry Buxton, N0JY, reported over the weekend that the issue cropped up during efforts to commission Fox-1Cliff/AO-95.
"After a few days of tests, analysis, and discussion, it appears that Fox-1Cliff/AO-95 will not be commissioned as our fourth Fox-1 Amateur Radio satellite," Buxton said. Commissioning began on December 4, right after the CubeSat's successful launch a day earlier.
"AMSAT Engineering will continue to evaluate and test Fox-1Cliff/AO-95 for solutions to the anomaly, and your continued help in providing telemetry is appreciated so that we can have data throughout her daily orbits, rather than limited data over our US stations," Buxton said. "The data, analysis, and testing could lead to a positive solution, but at the very least will be important to AMSAT's satellite programs in providing information that would help us and others avoid similar situations with future missions." ....

--The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League


Stay Radio active -- See you at the next meeting, Tue, Jan. 8, 2019; 8:00PM at the Ponchatoula Community Center
AND The SELARC Hamfest on January 19, 2019, at the SLU Pennington Student Activity Center in Hammond.


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