Category: The Hamster


The SELARC "Hamster"

*Serving Amateur Radio Since 1974*
Published Monthly by the Southeast Louisiana Amateur Radio Club Inc.
P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404
Visit our website:
Vol. 45, No. 12 ................................ December 2018
* Club Meeting Christmas Party - Potluck Dinner !! *

All club members are invited and any new hams or persons who wish to join or rejoin SELARC,
Please RSVP Here or email us at [email protected] for assistance.

Members are requested to RSVP either yes or no: Even if you cannot or will not attend.





OPTIONS in Hammond

19362  West Shelton Road

Tuesday, December 11th, at 6:00PM

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Peace on Earth ----- Good Will To Men!

Talk-in 147.00 (-600) w/107.2 Tone -- Handicap Access

If you would like to become a member of SELARC, please print out and complete the application/renewal form and return it with your check to: P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404. Thanks!

SELARC 2019 Hamfest

As a reminder, The SELARC Hamfest on January 19, 2019, in Hammond is less than 6 weeks away, and the club is still in need of many more ticket sales and necessary members or other volunteers to help work the event.
We request that all members come to the christmas party and add your name to the sign-up to work the Hamfest or contact Tyrone [email protected] to sign up, and sell as many tickets as you can! Also remember that those current members who take and turn in paid sales of the most $5 tickets - and minimum of 20 or more tickets by the end of the day before the Hamfest receive special thanks and recognition from the club plus the incentive of 1-year dues-free extension of SELARC membership.

The 4 main prizes for tickets also listed on the SELARC Hamfest page - main prize winners do not need to be present at the drawing and if a non-ham wins can receive the cash value equivalent in place of item, prizes include:

  • 1st Prize: Yaesu FT-891 HF Transceiver - HF and 6 Meters, All-mode Transceiver, 100W (25W AM)
  • 2nd Prize: Rig Expert AA-230 - Zoom Antenna Analyzer
  • 3rd Prize: Heil Sound Pro Set - Elite 6 Headset
  • 4th Prize: Yaesu FT-60 Dual Band Handheld

For any questions about the drawing or more information needed to help sell tickets, please e-mail [email protected]

Special Events, Other Hamfests & VE Sessions

MARA Christmas Hamfest - Minden Amateur Radio Association - Dec 15, 2018 - Minden, LA

38th Annual Hammond Hamfest on January 19, 2019 sponsored by SELARC at the Pennington Student Activity Center on the campus of Southeastern Louisiana University! Details are online here.

Hammond VE Group - ARRL/W5YI tests are scheduled for the last Sunday of each month [with the exception of holiday conflicts] in Room "B" of the North Oaks Medical System Diagnostic Center at 2pm with $15 testing fee. Bring photo ID and any appropriate CSCE. For more information contact [email protected] or Find an Amateur Radio License Exam in Your Area.

Happy Birthday!!

Birthday Wishes in December go out to - Larry KJ6SET, Elizabeth KM6MWZ, Richard KG5BA, and Carol KE5GOC.

If we missed your birthday, please let us know.

Best wishes for continued recuperation go to SELARC members James Redmond K5QNT, Tom Simpson N5HAY, Al Baker KF5IBW and Sandy Blaize W5TVW. We look forward to hearing you on the air!
VE Session Results -

Congratulations to the following new HAM from the November 25 VE Session!

General: Paul Mobley - Gonzales, La.

Many thanks to the VEs' who attend the Hammond VE Group exam sessions every month! Without your support, we couldn't continue giving back to Amateur Radio!!
Hope to see you at the December session and again at the Hammond Hamfest on 19 Jan, 2019!!

Tyke's TidBits


Yes it is almost here, CHRISTMAS....that super commercialized time of year loved by all the kids who wish for SANTA to bring them the toys they desire, and dreaded by every adult who has go out and fight for parking spaces, and long checkout lines while shopping for those hard to find and very pricey gifts. Stay strong of will and be mindful of the other shoppers and drivers, they may be having the same BAD DAY as you are, so do your best to be considerate of them!!

The SELARC Christmas Party and meeting will be on 11 December, 2019 at Options in Hammond, same location as last year. All the details should be on the club webpage. Also, if you haven't received your signup/RSVP invitation from for the Christmas Party, please check it out. The info should be on the club webpage also and elsewhere in this newsletter. Ernie/N5NIB, has setup the signup page for the potluck menu items. If you need the web address, here it is:


And now for other club business, our upcoming SELARC Hammond Hamfest for 2019. Tickets will be on hand to buy and also to sell. We are still doing the membership renewal program to any member who sells $100.00 of tickets(quantity of 20). This incentive has worked great for many years. So please, pick up your tickets from Carol/KE5GOC at the Christmas Party/meeting. Remember, tickets can be sold to non-HAMs who will receive the CASH equivilent of the prize listed!!

It has been a few years since SELARC was a Special Services Club. We attain this status through the ARRL for maintaining a certain percentage of SELARC members as as ARRL members, so....membership in ARRL gives SELARC additional benefits and responsibilities, like appointing QSL Card Checkers for WAS and WAC awards. you can check out the following ARRL link for more details at:

If you haven't joined the ARRL, please consider doing so. It benefits the club and also gives us a voice with the ARRL as our lobbying body for Amateur Radio issues in the political arenas!! You can join online, by mail, or even through SELARC by submitting an ARRL new or renewal membership application with your SELARC renewal also. By doing this, SELARC may retain a portion of the ARRL membership fee!

Don't forget, SELARC membership dues renewals, start on 1st of January and are in effect until 31st of March of each year, at which time, you are dropped from the roster!

You can download the membership application from our club webpage and mail it in or bring it to any club meeting or function! We ask that you submit a form each year with any changes to phone, email and physical address so that we can reach you when needed! We also have applications at all meeting and functions!

Hoping to see you at the SELARC Christmas Party/Meeting!
Tyrone Burns / N5XES - President
Minutes of SELARC Meeting of November 13, 2018 at Ponchatoula Community Center

President Tyrone Burns N5XES called the meeting to order at 7 PM at the Ponchatoula Community Center and led in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a self-introduction of all present at the meeting.

It was m/s/passed to accept minutes for the previous meeting of October 10, 2018 as published in the "Hamster". Treasurer Carol Redmond provided a monthly financial report, and it was m/s/passed to accept the financial report.

Attendance (12): Ed Mason KE5GMN, Pat Mason KE5KMM, Carol KE5GOC, Lyle KD5JRY, Jimmy AG5EJ, David W5NPV, Bob WB5FBS, Keith KF5VLX, Tyrone N5XES, Jerry N5GKJ, Mark WX5RN, Ralph K5CAV

Correspondence: Membership renewals were received for Ricky KF5TQT and Tom N5HAY.

Committee Reports: Repeater(Tyrone N5XES) - All repeaters are on the air, there are still some bugs to be worked out with the 147 controller.

ARES(Pat KE5KMM - EC): On October 20th, the SET (Simulated Emergency Test) was held with a simulated Cold Front event, and there was a good showing with 16 hams participating.

Old Business: Club Christmas Party: Tyrone had requested for a volunteer to handle the party, but we did not find. A signup sheet was passed around to RSVP and signup for the potluck at Options in Hammond on the next meeting date; Tues. December 11, 2018 6:00 PM.

New Business:

There was no new business put forward.


(Jerry N5GKJ): A Technician in One-Day Session is being offered by the Jefferson Amateur Radio Club, Saturday, December 29, 2018; 8am - 5pm; Wally Pontiff Playground, Metairie. Register in advance if interested.

Adjournment: It was m/s/passed to Adjourn at 7:41pm. With the meeting followed by an exhibition of a Software-Defined Radio arrangement by Lyle.
Submitted by Vice-President/Secretary Jimmy Hess AG5EJ
News from ARRL

==> FCC Approves Use of Galileo Global Navigation Satellite System in the US
The FCC has granted, in part, the European Commission's request for a waiver of Commission rules so that non-federal devices in the US may access specific signals transmitted from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) known as Galileo. The action means that consumers and industry in the US may access certain satellite signals from the Galileo system to augment the US Global Positioning System (GPS). The Order said that the Galileo GNSS is uniquely situated with respect to the US GPS, because the two systems are interoperable and RF compatible. Specifically, the Order permits access to two of the Galileo system's satellite signals -- the E1 signal transmitted in the 1,559 - 1,591 MHz portion of the 1,559 - 1,610 MHz Radionavigation-Satellite Service (RNSS) band, and the E5 signal transmitted in the 1,164 - 1,219 MHz portion of the 1,164 - 1,215 MHz and 1,215 - 1,240 MHz RNSS bands. These are the same RNSS bands in which the US GPS satellite signals operate.
The Order does not grant access to the Galileo E6 signal, which is transmitted over the 1,260 - 1,300 MHz frequency band, because this band is not allocated for RNSS in the US or used by the US GPS to provide position/navigation/timing (PNT) services. The FCC pointed out that granting access to the Galileo E6 signal could constrain US spectrum management in the future in spectrum above 1,300 MHz, where potential allocation changes are under consideration.
The omission of the E6 signal also means that radio amateurs would not have to protect Galileo receivers from interference on 23 centimeters, which has been a significant issue in Europe.

==> December is Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) Month
December is YOTA Month. Listen for stations on the air with YOTA as the call sign suffix.
"The idea for this is to show the Amateur Radio hobby to young people and to encourage youngsters to be active on the amateur bands," said Tomi Varro, HA9T. "This is a great moment to show Amateur Radio to the world and to invite newcomers."
YOTA is primarily an International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 (Europe and Africa) activity, but youngsters from the US in Region 2 (the Americas) have attended YOTA summer camps, which are held in a different country each year. Varro said both licensed and unlicensed youth will be making contacts.
"Be helpful on the bands -- maybe these young operators are just making their first-ever contacts," he advised. YOTA stations are, in general, operated by individuals 25 or younger. The operating event takes place for the entire month of December UTC.

==> Broadcaster Jamie Dupree, NS3T, Receives Radio & Television Correspondents' Association Career Achievement Award.
The Radio & TV Correspondents' Association (RTCA) has honored Cox Media Group Senior Washington Correspondent Jamie Dupree, NS3T, with its 2018 Career Achievement Award for Distinguished Reporting on Congress. The award honors a Capitol Hill broadcaster who represents career achievement and dedication to Congressional coverage, recognizing "rare, exceptional careers and signifies the admiration of the many broadcasters who follow behind and benefit from the work of the recipient," RTCA said on its website. Dupree's ability to speak was severely impaired in 2016 by a rare disorder, putting his radio broadcasting career on hold. A technological solution returned his voice to the airwaves, however. As the 54-year-old contester explained in a blog post last June, a Scottish company, CereProc, sifted through years of Dupree's archived audio and built a voice for him -- which he calls "Jamie Dupree 2.0" -- that allows him to file radio reports again in a computer-generated voice.

==> California Radio Amateur Receives Notice of Unlicensed Operation from FCC
The FCC Enforcement Bureau on November 7 issued a Notice of Unlicensed Operation (NoUO) to Technician licensee Daryl Thomas, KE6MWS, of Carmichael, California, for allegedly operating an unlicensed FM radio station.
On October 10, 2018, an Enforcement Bureau agent from the FCC's San Francisco Office responded to a complaint of an unlicensed FM station operating on 95.7 MHz in Carmichael. The agent confirmed by direction-finding techniques that a signal on 95.7 MHz was emanating from a residence, and Thomas subsequently admitted that he was the operator of this station, the FCC said in the NoUO. The agent measured the field strength of the signal and found that it exceeded the maximum permitted level of 250 µV per meter at 3 meters, established under Part 15.
The Notice cautioned Thomas that operation of radio transmitting equipment without a valid radio station authorization, or in violation of the Commission's RF radiation limits, constitutes a violation of the federal laws cited above and could subject the operator to severe penalties, including, but not limited to, substantial monetary fines, in rem seizure of the offending radio equipment, and criminal sanctions including imprisonment. "Unlicensed operation of this radio station must be discontinued immediately and must not resume," the Notice warned.


--The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League



Stay Radio active -- See you at the Christmas Party Tue, Dec. 11, 2018; 6:00PM at Options in Hammond


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