Category: The Hamster
The SELARC "Hamster"

*Serving Amateur Radio Since 1974*
Published Monthly by the Southeast Louisiana Amateur Radio Club Inc.
P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404
Visit our website:
See 2021-06.pdf for a printer-friendly version of this document
Vol. 48, No. 6 ......................... Jun 2021
* Club Meeting *

Tue. Jun 8, 2021 7:00 PM CDT
University Center
Southeastern Louisiana University Campus
Room: 139, Southeast corner of the building!
(800 W University Ave, Hammond)

Pre-Meeting Meet & Greet: Sarita's Grill & Cantina
45653 University Park Dr. Hammond, LA 70401
Dutch treat. 5:00PM - 6:45PM

The upcoming SELARC club meeting will be an in-person meeting you may also attend through ZOOM meetings.
The full invitation text is found at the end of this newsletter or as an email to members, and alternatively at
Meeting link:

If you would like to become a member of SELARC, please print out and complete the application/renewal form and return it with your check to: P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404. Thanks!

Election of Officers

Election of the club Officers by members is at the first general meeting in July, planned for Tue. Jul 13, 2021 7pm. As outlined in the SELARC Constitution, the board is expected to provide a list of nominations. Additional nominations may be proposed by members at the next meeting or July meeting prior to the election.
Before nominations can be accepted: nominees are required to affirm intention to hold office if elected by the majority of SELARC members present.

New Member Applications
The following have submitted an application for membership in SELARC, to be voted on by members:
  • Jim LeBlanc - KF5AGQ



Special Events, Other Hamfests & VE Sessions

2021 Field Day - June 26-27, 2021 - Members interested in participating in field day please contact Tyrone. A possible location has been arranged.

Slidell EOC HamFest, ARRL Louisiana State Convention - October 8-9, 2021

Florida Parishes VE Group - Testing sessions are scheduled for the last Sunday of each month [with the exception of holiday conflicts] at AmVets Post #68; 26890 Hwy 42 (jct. of Hwys 42 and 43) - Springfield, La. 70462 (approximately 3 miles south of I-12 at exit 32) at 2pm with $15 testing fee. Bring photo ID and any appropriate CSCE. For more information contact [email protected] or Find an Amateur Radio License Exam in Your Area.

Happy Birthday

Birthday Wishes for June go out to - Dean KG5AAE, James K5QNT, Jason K5WDH, and Nathan KF5HXB.
If we missed your birthday, then please let us know.

Get Well Soon —
Best wishes for continued recuperation go to SELARC members Tom Simpson N5HAY and Homer Jones KA5TRT. We look forward to hearing you on the air!
VE Session Results

VE Report - 30 May, 2021 - VE Session, Springfield, La.

Congratulations to the following new Amateur Radio Operators!

Ryan Guise - Covington, La.
Atwood Rice III - Gonzales, La.

Many thanks to all of our volunteer examiners who turn out to support these sessions!
your dedication is much appreciated!!!

73 Tyrone Burns / N5XES
ARRL VE Liason - Florida Parishes VE Group

Tyke's TidBits

Well it has been another month of crappy weather for us again, but hopefully things are looking up with June just starting up. Our next club meeting will be on 8 Jun, 2021!

Not sure who all is wanting to participate in Field Day 2021 this year, but I will throw this out there.......I have arranged for us to have access to the AMVETs' Post 68 in Springfield, for Field Day 2021.

You will have the option to setup under the trees or the covered area on the front of the building for operating locations, with access to the bathrooms. If you wish to setup a camping/pop-up tent or bring a camper to operate from, that is your choice, there is plenty of room there! Bring your favorite key or headphones and/or rig if you prefer. Electrical power is available in a couple of the locations. There is a possibility of operating from inside the building, but that is still under consideration. At this time, food and beverages will be your responsibility. There are a few eating establishments nearby and a convenience store across the street! Think on it, If anyone is interested, let me know at the upcoming meeting!!

Next up, ELECTIONs!!!! is that time. I have been looking over the membership roster to see who I think may be interested in running for an officers position. If you are interested, please let one of our officers know, so we can put your name on the list of candidates. Our current rules require that we present a slate of candidates for the upcoming term, which is currently a two year stint!! I know the current officers/board, are ready to step down and take a break, myself, I am on the border on this decision. Please, if you think you can bring fresh ideas to the table, to help this club move forward, step up and run for a position. Mark Lacey -WX5RN, has expressed his interest to run for Vice-President. Elections will be held at the July club meeting!

Current positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary/Newsletter editor, and Treasurer.

The Executive Board consist of these officers plus any additional members as the President seeks to appoint. The President also appoints the repeater committee. If you feel you can bring something to the table for the repeater committee, let us know of your desire to serve!!

Hamfest: 15 Jan, 2022. Paperwork has been submitted to SLU for use of the Pennington Center for our 2022 Hamfest. Also, application has been submitted to the ARRL to list our Hamfest in QST as an ARRL sponsored/affiliated event! We will be staying with the 3rd Saturday in January as we have in years past.

Repeater Committee: We have notified Hi-Tech Towers Inc., that we have accepted their bid to do the feedline-antenna replacement/repairs that we have been working toward. Thank you for your vote and support! Currently, we are waiting to hear from them a date that they will be able to do this!

Well, I guess that about sums up the past month. Our next meeting will be on 8 Jun, 2021 at 7:00pm and is planned as a joint ZOOM and in-person meeting on SLU Campus. Location will be: University Center, Rm 139 ...Southeast corner of the building!!!

If anyone is interested in a meet and greet before the meeting, I am arranging with Saritas' on University Blvd. to provide us with table setup. Dutch treat - 5:00-5:30 pm - 6:45 pm.

Minutes of the May, 2021, Meeting
The general meeting held on May 11, 2021 through Zoom meetings was called to order by Tyrone N5XES at 7:00 pm.
It was m/s/passed to accept minutes of the previous meeting as published in the "Hamster".

Attendance (17)

Tyrone N5XES, Ernie N5NIB, Pat Mason KE5KMM, Ed Mason KE5GMN, Call-In User_1,
Jimmy AG5EG, Russell, Tim KI5OUN, Keith KF5VLX, Mark WX5RN, Butch KG5WQI, Carmen KF5VXO,
Ralph K5CAV, Joe K5KT, Ken Nieto KF5UHM, Ryan Plyler, and Rich KG5DBA

Reports of Officers and Committees

Treasurer's Report

The monthly financial report was given by Ernie N5NIB. It was m/s/passed to accept the financial report.


Membership Applications

Membership forms had been received from:

  • Tim Desmond KI5OUN

It was m/s/passed to accept. Welcome to SELARC!

Repeater Committee

Tyrone N5XES gave the report that All repeaters are on the air, and we have quotes for the 147 repeater repairs, but will discuss later after ARES report.


Pat EC KE5KMM gave the ARES report - Prep for Hurricane season, but consider safety for generators. Nets picking up, some nights when 147 repeater doing okay, up to 20 check-ins. UHF repeater Kentwood 444.325 pl107.2 up.

Old Business

Prize Drawing / Hamfest 2021

Tyrone gave the update on the drawing additional 5/6 sold.

For sale

(Tyrone N5XES): SELARC still has Ten-Tec Corsair 2 for sale - with matching speaker/power supply combo and DA-1 static mic: previously the asking was 300 but entertaining offers now. We appreciate those donating equipment to the club that help to raise funds for the repeaters.

2022 Hamfest

(Tyrone N5XES): We submitted paperwork for Southeastern for Hamfest.


Ozone Hamfest 2021 Oct 8-9.

New Business

147 Repeater Feedline / Antenna Work

(Tyrone N5XES): We received the quotes for the repair, and the repeater committee has a recommendation for consideration and voting.
Russell explained the quote:
  • (1): Replacing hardline
    Pull down existing hardline, replacing with new 7/8 hardline, and everything to get it inside the building. The cost from Crown Castle was $10,765. Options to 1. keep antenna or 2. change antenna for additional 665 - to replace if the original is a problem.
  • (2): If we break lease, then must remove; est. cost of $3,530.

There was discussion by the repeater committee about the repeaters, and Ernie gave the motion:
SELARC shall enter into contract with HiTech Tower services to remove and replace existing feedline and Antenna as specified in its quote as presented on May 5, 2021; acceptance would be predicated on Crown Castle's approval of documentation and insurance as required by Tower's owner, and the amount authorized by SELARC is $10,765 as given in the proposal plus up to $650 to purchase a Commander 220-N vertical antenna.
The motion was seconded and opened for discussion.
Tyrone asked members vote on the motion using a poll within Zoom meetings, and motion passed with 15 ayes out of 15 total members voting with a record of votes retained by screenshot.

Nominations for Elections

Tyrone explained about the nominations/election, and opened the floor for nominations; asks if there are any nominations at this time.


It was m/s/passed to adjourn at 7:40 pm.

For Sale

FOR SALE – KX3 Package - Jim LeBlanc KX5AGQ (located in Loranger). Original cost with accessories $2,850 Asking $2,100.
For more information: KX3_Package_202105.pdf

News from The ARRL Letter

==> Amateurs' Email Addresses Will Continue to Be Kept Private, FCC Says
Starting on June 29, all applications filed with the FCC must include an email address for FCC correspondence. After receipt of the initial announcement that all future applications would require an email address, ARRL was concerned for the privacy of its members and requested that amateurs' email addresses not be made public. This week, the FCC agreed, stating in an email to ARRL counsel that it will continue to "mask" amateurs' email addresses from public view in the Universal Licensing System (ULS). The FCC will use the email address supplied by amateurs to correspond with applicants, including to send a link to the official electronic copy of the license when an application is granted.
The FCC is transitioning to fully electronic correspondence and no longer mails hard-copy licenses. Amateurs are able to view, download, and print their official license grant using the ULS. When a license is first granted, each applicant will receive an email with a direct link to the license. Although the link expires in 30 days, the license itself will remain available in the ULS and may be downloaded at any time by signing into the licensee's account using their FCC Registration Number (FRN) and password ...

==> Next Virtual Ham Events Include SEA-PAC and QSO Today Ham Expo
The 2021 SEA-PAC virtual convention is Saturday, June 5. The event, billed as the ARRL Northwestern Division Convention, includes free live and prerecorded video presentations and seminars. Advance registration via Zoom is required. The program begins at 9 AM PDT (1600 UTC) with keynote speaker ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA.
Some webinar topics include reporting earthquakes using Winlink, trends in 6-meter EME (Earth-moon-Earth communications), and information about ARRL Foundation Scholarships that support young radio amateurs pursuing higher education. The ARRL Forum -- open to all -- will be held at 10 AM PDT, led by Northwestern Division Director Mike Ritz, W7VO. Complete convention details, including the 2021 SEA-PAC Virtual Booklet, are available on the SEA-PAC website. ...

==> Interactive LightCube Satellite Set to Launch in Late 2022
NASA has selected LightCube, along with 13 other small research satellites, to fly as auxiliary payloads aboard rockets launching between 2022 and 2025. The launch opportunity is provided through NASA's CubeSat Launch Initiative. Being designed, built, and tested by an interdisciplinary team of students, advisors, and engineers across multiple organizations, LightCube is a microsatellite educational mission that aims to produce a light visible to the naked eye of observers on Earth. The spacecraft's two xenon flashtubes will be triggered via amateur radio.
When the light beacon is activated, the 1U CubeSat will be visible momentarily -- each flash will take 8 microseconds -- from the ground, with a brightness similar to the International Space Station (ISS). Following ISS deployment, LightCube will orbit Earth for approximately 2 years before safely deorbiting. ...

==> Amateur Radio Gearing Up for Another Active Atlantic Hurricane Season
The Atlantic Hurricane Season, which starts on June 1, promises to be a busy time for amateur radio volunteers on the Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) to report ground-level storm conditions in real time for use by National Hurricane Center (NHC) forecasters, and for SKYWARN volunteers, many of whom are hams. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has forecast a likely range of 13 to 20 named storms (winds of 39 MPH or greater), of which six to ten could become hurricanes (winds of 74 MPH or greater), including three to five major hurricanes (Category 3, 4, or 5, with winds of 111 MPH or greater) expected. NOAA projects these ranges with a 70% confidence level...

==> Radio Amateur's Vintage Film Footage Sheds Light on Hindenburg Disaster
Vintage film footage provided by New Jersey radio amateur Bob Schenck, N2OO, was the highlight of a PBS documentary about the Hindenburg disaster. The film, shot by his uncle, Harold Schenck, may provide clues as to what initiated the disastrous 1937 fire that destroyed the airship Hindenburg and claimed 35 lives as the German zeppelin was landing at Lakehurst, New Jersey. Harold Schenck tried
to interest government investigators in his film, shot from a different angle than newsreel footage that begins only after the fire was well under way, but it was largely overlooked. "Nobody ever asked for it," Bob Schenck explains in the documentary.
The Schenck film is the highlight of a PBS NOVA documentary, Hindenburg: The New Evidence, that investigates the issue in considerable depth in an effort to unlock the secrets of the cold case. The program aired on May 19 and remains available for streaming. ...

==> HF Radars Continue to be Troublemakers, IARU Region 1 Monitoring Service Says
The biggest headache for International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 Monitoring Service participants continues to be HF over-the-horizon radars (OTH-Rs). Already an interference issue for several years, OTH-R activity seems to be multiplying exponentially. Most of the stations are located in China and Russia.
"The same troublemakers every month, the OTH-Rs [are] by far the most troublesome!" said IARUMS Coordinator Peter Jost, HB9CET, in the April edition of the IARUMS Monthly Newsletter.
"The same troublemakers every month, the OTH-Rs [are] by far the most troublesome!" said IARUMS Coordinator Peter Jost, HB9CET, in the April edition of the IARUMS Monthly Newsletter. ...

==> First-Time Exam Applicants Must Obtain FCC Registration Number Before Taking Exam
Beginning May 20, 2021, all amateur examination applicants will be required to provide an FCC Registration Number (FRN) to the Volunteer Examiners (VEs) before taking an amateur exam. This is necessary due to changes the FCC has made to its licensing system. Amateur candidates who already have an FCC license, whether for amateur radio or another service, and already have an FRN may use the same number. All prospective new FCC licensees, however, will be required to obtain an FRN before the examination and provide that number to the volunteer examiners on the Form 605 license application. An FCC instructional video provides step-by-step instructions on how to obtain an FRN through the FCC's COmmission REgistration System (CORES). ...

==> PSAT2 (NO-104) Satellite VHF Transceiver is Alive with Innovative Mode
Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, says the PSAT2 VHF transceiver awoke from an 8-month slumber on April 26. "We have no idea why. Its telemetry looks fine," Bruninga said.
Voltage is between 6.2 and 7.0 V and exterior temperatures are between -18° and 22° C. PSAT2 will not be in Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) mode, but in a brand-new experimental mode for dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) uplink (145.980 MHz) and voice downlink.
"You pre-load your grid and call sign into a 16-digit DTMF memory in your radio, and when the satellite hears this it will assign a QSO number and QSL the grid by voice and then generate an APRS packet," Bruninga explained.
There's even a way to send back a DTMF QSL, so you can make it a two-way DTMF contact. Successful DTMF grids and messages will appear on a special URL on the PSAT2 page. ...

==> Intrepid-DX Group Adds Second Physician for Trip to "Cold and Inhospitable" Bouvet Island
"Bouvet is like the Mount Everest of DXCC entities," 3Y0J DXpedition co-leader Paul Ewing, N6PSE, said. "It is among the most challenging entities to activate due to significant transportation costs and personal sacrifices required by the team to make the 42-day round trip. Fortunately, Bouvet is not our first mountain." The DXpedition's website describes Bouvet as, "a cold and inhospitable place." At 54° S, Bouvet Island, a sub-Antarctic island in the South Atlantic and a dependency of Norway, is the most remote place on Earth.
Ewing announced recently that Mike Crownover, AB5EB, a veteran emergency room physician, has joined the 3Y0J DXpedition team to pair with ER doctor Bill Straw, KO7SS. The DXpedition is set for January - February 2023, but the planning stage to activate the second-most-wanted DXCC entity is well under way, with the team researching polar-quality tents and equipment and discussing antenna specifications with various manufacturers....

==> Ham-Firefighter Rescues Drowning Man from River
ARRL member and Edmonson County Emergency Coordinator Tim Skees, K9KSP, a firefighter in Brownsville, Kentucky, was among those responding to an April 23 fire dispatch call he heard on his ham station scanner reporting a possible drowning in the Green River. Radio traffic indicated that the potential victim was a 40-year-old male.
"After assessing the information provided by family members at the scene, [I] went downriver approximately 300 yards, located the victim in water, washed up on a shallow rock shoal in the river," Skees told ARRL. "[I] waded out to the victim, dragged him to the riverbank, and, as other responders showed up and came to where the victim was, he was pulled up the bank of the river. He was suffering exposure/hypothermia from being in the cold water for hours." ...

==> Russian Robinson Club Announces Activation of Rare IOTA Islands in the Aleutians
The Russian Robinson Club (RRC) has resumed its plans to activate rare Kiska Island (IOTA NA-070) and Adak Island (IOTA NA-039) in Alaska's Aleutian Islands chain in July for Islands On The Air (IOTA) enthusiasts. Plans to activate these islands in 2020 were called off because of COVID-19 concerns.
The uninhabited Kiska Island (52.06° N, 177.57° E) lies in the North Pacific's treacherous Bering Sea, which RRC calls one of the most intense patches of ocean on Earth and where strong winds, freezing temperatures, and icy water are the norm. The island also features the prominent conical Kiska volcano. Kiska Island is a National Historic Landmark and part of the Aleutian Islands World War II National Monument and the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge (AMNWR). Permission to visit is required from both Alaska's Maritime National Wildlife Refuge and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. ...


--The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League

Zoom meeting invitation

Topic: SELARC - Meetings
Time: Jun 8, 2021, 7:00 PM CST/DST (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 879 0959 4610
Passcode: 985985
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,87909594610# US (New York)
+13017158592,,87909594610# US (Germantown)

Dial by your location
  +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
  +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
  +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
  +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
  +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
  +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 879 0959 4610
Find your local number: Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing


Stay Radio active -- Hope to see you at the next meeting. Be sure to monitor your weekly nets, e-mail, and the SELARC website at for any updates.


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