Category: The Hamster



The SELARC "Hamster"

*Serving Amateur Radio Since 1974*
Published Monthly by the Southeast Louisiana Amateur Radio Club Inc.
P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404
Visit our website:
See 2021-11.pdf for a printer-friendly version of this document
Vol. 48, No. 11 ......................... November 2021
* Club Meeting *

Tueesday November 9, 2021 7:00 PM CDT
Location: Ponchatoula Community Center
(300 N. Fifth Street, Range Road)

Talk-in 147.00 (-600) w/107.2 Tone -- Handicap Access

If you would like to become a member of SELARC, please print out and complete the application/renewal form and return it with your check to: P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404. Thanks!



Special Events, Other Hamfests & VE Sessions

The Greater New Orleans Ham Fest - November 13, 2021 from 8 AM to 1 PM at the VFW Hall, 1133 Hickory Ave., Harahan LA 70123.

Florida Parishes VE Group - Testing sessions are scheduled for the last Sunday of each month [with the exception of holiday conflicts] at AmVets Post #68; 26890 Hwy 42 (jct. of Hwys 42 and 43) - Springfield, La. 70462 (approximately 3 miles south of I-12 at exit 32) at 2pm with $15 testing fee. Bring photo ID and any appropriate CSCE. For more information contact [email protected] or Find an Amateur Radio License Exam in Your Area.

Happy Birthday

Birthday Wishes for September go out to - Kathryn N4USW
If we missed your birthday, then please let us know.

VE Session Results

No session was held in August due to Hurricane Ida making landfall!

VE Report - 26 September, 2021

Congratulations to the following new Amateur Radio Operators and or upgrades !

Benjamin Payne / KI5RVT - Denham Springs, La.
Christopher Latting / KI5RVU - Greensburg, La.
Gary C. Richardson / KI5RVV - Franklinton, La.
Chris Schenk / KI5RVS - Walker, La.
Clinton Gill / KI5NKE - Deridder, La.
John VanLingen / N5PRF - Springfield, La.

31 October 2021 - VE Session

Kevin Regira / KI5SCV - Addis, La.
Matthew Edmond / W5OTO - Prairieville, La.

Thank you to all our VEs' who attend!
Tyrone Burns / N5XES
ARRL VE Liason - Florida Parishes VE Group

Minutes of the General Meeting, October 2021

SELARC Meeting Agenda

(Meeting Type: ZOOM virtual)

Oct 12, 2021

Call to order: Russ Plyler (WI5ARD) at 7:02 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance: Russ (WI5ARD)

Minutes of previous meetings: Ryan Plyler (KI5FMA)

  • Motion to accept minutes from previous meeting published in “Hamster”.
  • No meeting happened in September.
  • Ernie Bush (N5NIB) Moved, Tyrone Burns (N5XES) Second

Members present: 12

  • Russell Plyler (WI5ARD) , Tyrone Burns (N5XES), Ryan Plyler (KI5FMA) , Charles
  • (KG5FZ), Ernie Bush (N5NIB), Mark(), N5ZCW, Matthew Knoblauch (KG5WQL), Richard Bee (KG5DBA), John Guthans III (AA5UY), Mary Mason (KE5KMM), Ed Mason(KE5GMN), Jimmy Hess (AE5EJ)        

Guest present:  No Guests Present

Treasurers’ report:  Ernie Bush (N5NIB)

  • ARRL Liability insurance is paid.
  • Crown Castle rent is coming up for $900.00.
  • Liability for Allen Pearson() for winning the Raffle of $500.00 in exchange for the money he asked that we help him install some antennas. We put a dual band VHF UHF antenna at his house. Allen Pearson() is supposed to be getting an HF vertical antenna that we still have to install. We will get with him and see if he is ready to install.
  • Current balance not counting crown castle for checking is $1067.83 this does not include the allocation for insurance, savings account we have $3787.25 This includes the September transfer of $100. Total balance available is $4855.08
  • We are expecting a check for the hospital site that we lost during the storm.
  • Motion to Accept Treasure report: Tyrone Burns (N5XES)
  • Second: Mark ()

Bills/ Correspondence

  • We had a $1,000 Donation from Joe Locascio, K5KT. Joe has been a longtime member of SELARC and very active in ARRL contesting. He currently lives in Rancho Palos Verde , CA which is in Los Angeles County. SELARC greatly appreciates the friendship and the years of SELARC support.
  • 147.00 Annual Tower Rental - $900.00 has been paid.
  • ARRL Liability Insurance for 2021 - 2022 $300.00 paid

New member applications / renewals: Ernie Bush (N5NIB)

  • None

Health and Welfare

  • None

ARES report: Mary Mason (KE5KMM) 21 Check-ins

  • As far as the ARES report goes, Hurricane Ida really dealt us a blow and I do not think we have had a meeting since the Hurricane.
  • With the repeaters going down and power being a big problem for us everything was suppressed  during and immediately following the storm so that everyone could conserve their batteries  and whatever resources they had  at home.
  • so it was a jump on the radio as needed during the week or so after the storm. And with the tower going down at the hospital the 610 machines are going to be the full backup for the 147 right now.
  • Last night on the net the 147 repeater had some issues. There was a lot of scratch. You could hear the ID of the repeater really well. The signals going in would not get transmitted out very well. There must be an issue on the transmit side.
  • Following the storm everything on the repeater was very good, not sure what has changed.
  • Nets have been 16 to 18 check-ins The repeater has been received from a few new people in the area. When the 147 feedline was changed we had more people coming in but this last week has not been good on the 147.

Repeater Committee

  • We are waiting to hear back from Gary to find out when the new tower will be installed at the hospital.

Old Business:

Hamfest 2022: Tyrone Burns (N5XES)

  • Tyrone Burns (N5XES) plans on going to 147 tomorrow and replacing the lightning arrestors and testing other things.
  • Also going to put another radio on the receiving side to monitor.
  • Aware of the noise problem we are seeing it on the receiving side.
  • Allen Pearson (W5EGG) Won the raffle, retired attorney. Ponchatoula.
  • Vertical on top of a crank-up vertical tower.
  • Goals and objectives of the club.

Repeater Committee: Tyrone Burns (N5XES)

  • Tickfaw
  • Lightning arrestor to be swapped out 10/13 by Tyrone Burns (N5XES).
  • Repeater swap is possible with Yaesu from the hospital site for testing.
  • Hammond
  • Hurricane Ida took down the tower.
  • Need a quote on 3 antennas for Ernie Bush (N5NIB) to capture for insurance.

2021 Bike MS: Dat’s How We Roll: Bob Priez (WB5FBS)

  • With everything going on between Covid mandates and Hurricane Ida the ride has been postponed till March 19-20, 2022. The ride could possibly stay here to keep the event out of the hurricane window.

New Business:

  • Ernie Bush (N5NIB) - if Tyrone Burns (N5XES) is going to the 147 we need to take the opportunity to find interference.
  • Russell Plyler (WI5ARD)- has a new yaesu repeater to install and try out.
  • Ernie Bush (N5NIB)- do we have a commitment from Southeastern we have a place for the hamfest? Checking with Tyrone Burns (N5XES) to see if we are ready to do the meeting then Ernie Bush (N5NIB) will purchase the tickets so we can sell them.
  • Tyrone Burns (N5XES) came back in and said let's sell them asap
  • Russell Plyler (WI5ARD) does anyone object to gift cards for the hamfest raffle?
  • Tyrone Burns (N5XES) and Ernie Bush (N5NIB) will get together and decide the budget, and amounts of the gift cards.
  • JT stated he would give us some door prizes for the hamfest to give out.
  • No one objected.
  • Mark- Reserve the Golden Corral for the next ham meeting $12.99 per head to eat.

Upcoming events / Hamfest / Cancellations

  • The Greater New Orleans HamFest
  • November 13, 2021

General discussion, presentation or training:

  • Tyrone Burns (N5XES) to Charles (KG5FZ)… asked him how everything is going.
  • Charles Paradelas (KG5FZ) finished pouring the cement for the tower.
  • Julius Cline (N5ZCW) took off to Texas for the hurricane with no damage in the storm.
  • Richard Bee (KG5DBA) went to his first hamfest in Slidell, the first one in a long time.
  • Russell Plyler (WI5ARD) is planning to spend more time on HF now that he is retired and spend some time doing code.
  • Motion to adjourn:
  • Tyrone Burns (N5XES) motion, Ernie Bush (N5NIB) second


News from The ARRL Letter

==> 3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island Confirms November 2022 Activation
The 3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition team says that with its first deposit on its contract to have the SS Marama provide transportation to Bouvet, it has confirmed its plans to activate the second most-wanted DXCC entity in November 2022. ...

==> ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program to Accept Applications Starting on November 1
The ARRL Foundation will start accepting applications for its 2022 scholarship program on November 1. The submission deadline is December 31. More than 100 scholarships ranging from $500 to $25,000 will be awarded in 2022. The 2022 scholarship year totals an eligible amount of over $800,000 to be awarded. ...

==> Indian Radio Amateurs Help to Coordinate Disaster Relief in the Wake of Flooding
The administration of the Thrissur District in Kerala, India, sought the service of radio amateurs to support communications during disaster relief operations in the wake of incessant rain and resultant flooding that disrupted lives across central Kerala, The Economic Times has reported. The hams have set up stations in the district to overcome the possibility that conventional telecommunications may fail.
"Communication turns out to be a major challenge when natural calamities strike," Sarachandran C. S., VU2SCV, told the Press Trust of India news agency. "During heavy floods, there are chances that the power supply will be down for days, which will affect the communication systems, including the mobile phones." Sarachandran, a former merchant navy officer, was one of 10 operators volunteering to help the Thrissur administration to handle emergency communication. ...

==> Well-Known Amateur Radio Contester and DXer Will Roberts, AA4NC, SK
An experienced and successful member of the amateur radio contesting and DX community lost his life on October 21 as the result of a small plane crash. ARRL Life Member William "Will" Roberts, AA4NC, of Apex, North Carolina, was piloting the plane, which went down not long after take-off in a wooded area of Onslow County, North Carolina, near the Holly Ridge/Topsail Island Airport ...

==> Golden Globe Sailing Race Entrants Banned from Using Amateur Radio
The use of amateur radio by participants in the 2022 - 23 Golden Globe Race (GGR) -- an around-the-world sailing competition -- has been banned. Race organizers put the restriction in place because of unlicensed use of amateur radio equipment in the 2018 - 19 event, Yachting Monthly reported. In the 2018 - 19 race, Estonian skipper Uku Randmaa, ES1UKU, was penalized after seeking weather routing (the best route according to wind and weather conditions) via ham radio. While he escaped disqualification, he did receive a 72-hour penalty. Randmaa received weather routing information from Bob McLeod, VP8LP, who advised Randmaa, "The more north you go, the quicker you get out of the wind hole...

==> ARRL Continues Its Efforts to Preserve Amateur Radio Secondary Use of the 3 GHz Band
ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, in a written statement on the newly filed H.R.5378 before the US House Commerce Communications and Technology Subcommittee on Wednesday, urged Congress to direct the FCC to preserve amateur radio's secondary use of the 3-GHz band. President Roderick's statement was the result of a quick, well-organized response by ARRL to counter the continuing threat to amateur radio's secondary use of the 3 GHz band. ...

==> Radio Amateurs Invited to Participate in the Antarctic Eclipse Festival in December
The HamSCI Antarctic Eclipse Festival in December is seeking amateur radio participation. As the shadow of the moon passes across Antarctica on December 4, it will generate traveling ionospheric disturbances that will, in turn, affect radio propagation. The unusual geometry of this year's eclipses will give researchers an opportunity to investigate complicated ionospheric dynamics over the poles as the long daytime of polar summer is briefly interrupted by the eclipse.
During this and other HamSCI eclipse festivals, hams and citizen-scientists are asked to collect Doppler-shift data from time-standard stations, such as WWV. All that's needed is an HF radio connected to a computer. A GPS-disciplined oscillator is helpful for collecting data, but it is not required. Data collection will run from December 1 through December 10, and the results will be made available for scientific analysis.
All radio amateurs and shortwave listeners are invited to join in, even those located far from the path of totality. In 2020, more than 100 individuals from 45 countries took part in eclipse festivals.The instructions are available in multiple languages. ...


--The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League


Stay Radio active -- Hope to see you at the next meeting. Be sure to monitor your weekly nets, e-mail, and the SELARC website at for any updates.


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