Category: The Hamster


The SELARC "Hamster"

*Serving Amateur Radio Since 1974*

Published Monthly by the Southeast Louisiana Amateur Radio Club Inc.
P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404
Visit our website:

Vol. 44, No.11      .....................     November 2017

* Club Meeting *
Tuesday, November 14th, 7:00PM
Ponchatoula Community Center
300 North Fifth Street
Handicap Access

Talk-in 147.00 (-600) w/107.2 Tone
Due to After-School Activity we cannot enter until 6:45PM

If you would like to become a member of SELARC or renew your membership please print out and complete the application/renewal form at  and return it with your check to: P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404. Thanks!

Special Events, Hamfests & VE Sessions

Greater New Orleans Ham Fest will be on November 11th at the Harahan Lions Club Building, 1001 Hickory Avenue. The World's "FREEST Ham Fest on Earth". For info

Jackson County ARA Hamfest will be November 17-18 at the St. Martin Community Center, 15008 Lemoyne Blvd, in Biloxi, MS. More info at

Poplarville Hamfest sponsored by Pearl River ARC will be on Dec. 9 at the Emergency Operations Center, 810 Hwy 11 South.

SELARC Christmas Party will be held on the 12th of December at the Options Building in Hammond. A sign up for potluck will be sent by email to all members. A collection will be taken for those who wish to contribute to Options but it is not a requirement. This is the regular date for our monthly SELARC club meeting.

Hammond Hamfest 2018 sponsored by SELARC will be at the SLU Pennington Center on Saturday, January 20, 2018. The 37th annual hamfest will be the same as last year (and still FREE admission and FREE parking!) at 1350 North General Pershing Street in Hammond. From I-55 take Exit 32 and go east on University Avenue 1.5 miles to North General Pershing.

MARA Annual Christmas Hamfest on December 16 at the Minden Civic Center, 520 Broadway Street. Info This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info.


Hammond VE Group - ARRL/W5YI tests are scheduled for the last Sunday of each month [with the exception of holiday conflicts] in Room "B" of the North Oaks Medical System Diagnostic Center at 2pm with $15 testing fee. Bring photo ID and any appropriate CSCE. For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Find an Amateur Radio License Exam in Your Area.

In Thanks and Honor of the Service and Sacrifice of All Veterans!!

A very special "God Bless and Thank You" to all members, past and present, of our military forces for their service and sacrifice to this great nation. Let's remember them not only on Veterans Day but also as we count our blessings this Thanksgiving. And shame on those ‘professional’ athletes who disrespect the flag that grants them the right to be paid so handsomely for playing a child’s game!


Happy Birthday!!
Birthday greetings in November go to Tom Grant W5PGS, Leslie Liuzza KE5ILT, Kathryn Martin N4USW, Manny Miyares WD5BJR and Victor Beauvais KG5OPA. If we missed your birthday, please let us know!

In Sympathy -

Condolences to SELARC member Mike Ansalve K5ABJ and Denise on the death of Denise's mother, Mrs. Dorothy DeLaune, who passed away on October 12th. Our best wishes go to Mike and Denise and their family.



October VE Session Results--
Congratulations to the following NEW hams and Upgrades from the October 29th VE Session in Hammond.
Technician: Roland Newberry Jr. - Madisonville
          Charles Paradelas - Livingston
          Joseph Benson - Ponchatoula
          Christopher Benson - Ponchatoula
          Robert W. Benson III - Ponchatoula
General: Robert W. Benson - Loranger
          Scott R. Long - Hammond
Again, many thanks to the volunteers who come out and support these sessions. If interested in becoming a Volunteer Examiner, please check the ARRL website at and click on the appropriate links!

Tyrone Burns This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. VE Liason - Hammond VE Group
Tyke's TidBits --
Veterans' Day and Thanksgiving are this month, so I hope to see some of ya'll out and about on Veterans Day and hope that your Turkey Day trips and visits are SAFE and TROUBLE FREE! For those of you like myself, who served PROUDLY in the U.S. ARMED FORCES, I thank you for your SERVICE!!
Not sure of what is planned for upcoming Christmas Parades, but I hope to at least participate in one or two. Our SELARC Christmas Party is to be held at Options in Hammond and I'm sure we'll be finishing up the not so final headcount on who will be in attendance. Dee K5XYL wil have a Pot-Luck list at the meeting. Dirty Santa Game will be played with a $20-$25 price range on gifts....."NO GAG GIFTS". Delightful Elixer consumption is allowed so BYOB!!
The new duplexers have been installed on the 147 repeater, so get back on there and give it a workout! Seasonal intermod is back also!!!
Hoping to c'yall at the club meeting!!
Tyrone Burns This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., President


Yaesu G-450a antenna rotator -- will over-rotate 90 deg. past the 360 deg. north indicator. Comes with m metric mounting hardware to fit a Rohn rotor plate, no cable! Connectors are attached plus will include an extra molex style connector for control box. $150.00
Channel Master 3-wire antenna rotator and controller w/infrared remote and some cable - $60.00
Tyrone BurnsThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

KLM KT34XA Antenna with heavy duty boom and 5 kilowatt balun. All new, never put up. $750.00 and pick up in Natalbany, 3 miles north of Hammond.
100 feet of 25g tower with guy wires, Ham-IV hy-gain HF Rotator now standing at Natalbany - $500.00
30-foot Dish with 1-inch sq. aluminum trusses covering expanded aluminum with two DC drive motors and gear boxes; 24V and 48V power supply for moving the dish and encoders with computer for tracking the moon. All for $5000.
Ray May This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 985-222-5730


Minutes of SELARC Meeting of October 10th (Ponchatoula Community Center)

At 7:00 PM meeting was called to order by President Tyrone Burns N5XES, followed by recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer. All persons attending were asked to stand individually and introduce themselves. It was m/s/passed to approve the minutes from the September 12th meeting as published in the Hamster. A financial report was presented by Carol Redmond KE5GOC and passed out for review. It was m/s/passed to accept the financial report. A new Executive Board Member, Ernie Bush N5NIB, was welcomed and recognized. A membership application was received from Conrad Baker KG5FQT along with membership dues. A new member application was received from Russell Plyler AB6DS along with membership dues. A motion to accept Conrad and Russell into membership was m/s/passed to approve their memberships effectively immediately.

Attendance (21): Tyrone N5XES, David W5NPV, Ed KE5GMN, Pat KE5KMM, Ernie N5NIB, Bob WB5FBS, Ralph K5CAV, Lyle KD5JRY, John AA5UY, Judy AA5UZ, Richard KG5DBA, James K5QNT, Carol KE5GOC, Dee K5XYL, James AG5EJ, Mark WX5RN, Ray K5AZU, Russell AB6DS, Roy KG5JSM, Lambert KG5DDW, Keith KF5VLX and Brandon Carey (awaiting new callsign).

Committee Reports: Repeater - Lambert, KG5DDW, discussed the possibility of installing a pass through filter and having the repeater repaired within a few days. ARES - Pat KE5KMM reported that ARES participated in high water drills alongside many first responder entities including local fire and police departments, local hospitals, and the Coast Guard. She stated that it was an excellent opportunity to hone the skills of amateur radio licensees and that another event will be planned for next year for those interested in emergency communications. Ed KE5GMN stated that more details on the new ARES net will be made available by Monday the 16th of October. Bob WB5FBS discussed the various ARES groups that activated for Hurricane Nate and encouraged everyone to keep their emergency communication skills up to date as amateur radio is an important element of support during a local or national emergency.

Old Business: (1)It was noted that the MS Bike tour which was to be held on October 7th and 8th was cancelled due to Hurricane Nate. (2)Jim WB5LSH stated that anyone wishing to participate in radio training classes as discussed previously should email him directly. If he gets enough interest, he will set up a class when his time allows.

New Business: (1)Dee K5XYL presented options for the annual SELARC Christmas party and it was decided that it will be held on the 12th of December at the Options Building in Hammond. Alcohol is okay and a sign up for potluck will be send by email to all members. Also, we will be holding a Dirty Santa game for those that wish to participate. No gag gifts allowed. Minimum $20 and maximum $25 for Dirty Santa gifts please. A collection will be taken up for those that wish to contribute to Options but it is not a requirement. (2)Bob WB5FBS stated that October is the deadline to get a listing in to the ARRL to advertise the January hamfest. (3)It was discussed at length and it was m/s/passed to rescind the previous motion to charge for entry into the hamfest. Ideas on how to get a count of how many people attend the hamfest in January was discussed as well as the traditional incentive of receiving dues paid in full if a member sells $100 or more in tickets. (4)Carol KE5GOC discussed the possibility of changing over from A-1 Signworks to Gator Graphics for SELARC logo t-shirts. Gator Graphics will also embroider logos and names as well as sew on patches. Carol presented a sample of a shirt she had done by Gator Graphics. It was agreed that Carol would supply a digitized copy of the SELARC logo to Gator Graphics so that club shirts could be ordered directly by each member desiring a shirt. (5)Mike K5ABJ provided a copy of what the current liability insurance covers and a copy will be filed in the SELARC file drawer.

Adjournment: It was m/s/passed to adjourn at 8:15pm.


News from ARRL --

==> American Red Cross Hails "New Partnership" with ARRL Following Puerto Rico Deployment - The American Red Cross (ARC) this week thanked ARRL and its "Force of 50" hurricane recovery volunteers who deployed to Puerto Rico earlier this month, and it suggested a new level of partnership between the two organizations. ARC Senior Vice President, Disaster Cycle Services Harvey Johnson this week wrote ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, and ARRL CEO Tom Gallagher, NY2RF, to express his organization's gratitude for "all your amazing volunteers for the unwavering commitment demonstrated during the response to this unprecedented disaster in Puerto Rico." Johnson said the team's actions "made a significant difference" in the lives of those affected. Johnson said the ARC looks forward to working together with ARRL to "serve those impacted by disasters."

==>ARRL Executive Committee Updated on Entry-Level License, Amateur Auxiliary Revision - The ARRL Executive Committee reviewed plans to implement recommendations of the Entry Level License Committee, when it met on October 14 in Hartford, Connecticut. At its July meeting, the ARRL Board of Directors called for work to go forward on a plan to pursue additional HF digital and phone privileges for Technician licensees. The Executive Committee was told that New England Director and Entry-Level License Committee Chair Tom Frenaye, K1KI, will work with ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, and International Affairs Vice President Jay Bellows, K0QB, to develop the specifics of a proposal to the FCC requesting expanded frequency and mode privileges for Technicians. This will be completed in time for review by the full Board of Directors at its January meeting. The Executive Committee also heard a brief report on the work of the ad hoc Amateur Auxiliary Study Committee, which has prepared the first draft of a new training manual. The Committee is awaiting feedback from the FCC on a proposed memorandum of understanding for the Amateur Auxiliary. The chair of the study panel, ARRL Second Vice President Brian Mileshosky, N5ZGT, told the Executive Committee that several topics related to in-house management of the program still must be resolved, and the committee hopes to have the revised Amateur Auxiliary package ready for consideration by the ARRL Board of Directors at its January meeting.

==> New Digital Modes Changing Complexion of Bands and Perhaps of Ham Radio - The wave of software-based digital modes over the past several years has altered the atmosphere of the HF bands. Some suggest the popularity of modes that make it possible to contact stations neither operator can even hear has resulted in fewer CW and SSB signals on bands like 6 meters and 160 meters. Traditional modes require far more interaction and effort on the part of the operator; the newer digital modes, not so much. The recent advent of the still-beta "quick" FT8 mode, developed by Steve Franke, K9AN, and Joe Taylor, K1JT -- the "F" and the "T" in the mode's moniker -- has brought this to a head. Some now wonder if FT8 marks the end of an era and the start of a new, more minimalist age. FT8 and the other modes in WSJT-X are special-purpose modes. They are designed for making reliable, error-free contacts using very weak signals -- in particular, signals that may be too weak for the more traditional modes to be usable, or even too weak to hear.

==> IARU Administrative Council Considers New Radio Spectrum Pollution Threat - The Administrative Council (AC) of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) believes high-power wireless power transfer (WPT) for electric vehicles has significant potential to interfere with radio communication. That assessment came as the AC met on September 15 and 16 in Landshut, Germany, immediately prior to the IARU Region 1 Conference, to review its priorities and positions with regard to the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19). Conference Agenda Item 9.1.6 would call for studies in advance of WRC-23 to assess the impact of WPT for electric vehicles on radiocommunication services and to study suitable harmonized frequency ranges to minimize its impact.

--The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League


Stay Radio Active - See You at the Nov. 14th Meeting!



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