Category: The Hamster
The SELARC "Hamster"

*Serving Amateur Radio Since 1974*
Published Monthly by the Southeast Louisiana Amateur Radio Club Inc.
P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404
Visit our website:
Vol. 49, No. 5 ......................... May 2022
* Club Meeting *

Tuesday May 10, 2022 7:00 PM CDT
Location: Tangipahoa Parish Emergency Operations Center "EOC"
Tangipahoa Parish EOC
Amite City
(114 N Laurel St)

Meet & Greet Over Food & Drinks (5 PM to 7 PM)
La Carreta
122 SW Central Ave., Amite City, LA 70422 | Phone: (985) 748-9992

If you would like to become a member of SELARC, please print out and complete the application/renewal form and return it with your check to: P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404. Thanks!



Special Events, Other Hamfests & VE Sessions

Florida Parishes VE Group - Testing sessions are scheduled for the last Sunday of each month [with the exception of holiday conflicts] at AmVets Post #68; 26890 Hwy 42 (jct. of Hwys 42 and 43) - Springfield, La. 70462 (approximately 3 miles south of I-12 at exit 32) at 2pm with $15 testing fee. Bring photo ID and any appropriate CSCE. For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Find an Amateur Radio License Exam in Your Area.

Happy Birthday

Birthday Wishes for May go out to Walter N5RYI and George AE5FK.
If we missed your birthday, then please let us know.

Minutes of the General Meeting, April 2022

SELARC Meeting Minutes

(Meeting Type: In-Person)

(Ponchatoula Community Center)

April 12th, 2022

Call to order: Russ Plyler (WI5ARD) at 7:00 pm

Pledge of Allegiance: Yes

Introductions: Yes

Minutes of previous meetings: Ryan Plyler (KI5FMA) Called out for work and had to leave.

● 1st motion to accept by Ernie Bush (N5NIB). 2nd motion to accept by Tyrone Burns (N5XES),Accepted.

Members present:Tyrone Burns (N5XES), Russ Plyler (WI5ARD), Ryan Plyler (KD5FMA), Ed Mason(KE5GMN),Ernie Bush (N5NIB), Pat Mason (KE5KMM), Charlie Dietrich (KF5EK), Dean Melancon(KG5AAE), Ralph Shaw (K5CAV), William Harris (KF5YBY), Keith Samrow (KF5VLX), Mark Lukinovich(KW1O), Mike Jackson (KI5GGP), David Oehler (K5BHY), Lawrence Lima (KI5JVY), Jimmy Hess(AG5EJ), and Robert Jaeger (KI5TYD).

Guest present: Mark Lukinovich (KW1O) from McComb, Michael Jackson (KI5GGP) from Covington, and Charles Dietrich (KF5EK) from Baton Rouge

Treasurers’ report: Ernie Bush (N5NIB)

● Hard Copies to hand out at meetings by Ernie.

● 1st motion to accept by Tyrone Burns (N5XES). 2nd motion to accept by Ed Mason (KE5GMN). Accepted.

Bills / Correspondence:

● Waiting to hear back from Matt Anderson on paying the Repeater Council (LCARC) dues of $15.00.

● $100.00 April transfer.

● $295.60 reimbursed Ernie for insurance.

● $35.00 Dues came in for James and Carol Redmond.

● NOTE: Next big bill will be for Tickfaw Tower Rental in September/October for $900.00. New member applications / renewals: Ernie Bush (N5NIB)

- N/A

Health and Welfare:

- Allen Piercon broken hip and will possibly be selling some of his equipment. A Mosley T4 was referenced during the meeting.

ARES report: Pat Mason (KE5KMM)

● Net continues on 146.610 until 147.00 is corrected.

● Nest average has been around 12. Numbers dropped with daylight savings time. ● State search and rescue exercise. Drill last Friday. Parish, State, and National Guard. 400 participants on the ground.

● Communications trailer staffed by hams. 5 volunteers. The only glitch with communications was not us.

Hamfest Committee: Tyrone Burns (N5XES)

● Please email your recommendations to Tyrone on improvements you like to be considered in the next hamfest. If you are also interested in helping with the event, also provide his name and what you would be interested in helping with.

Repeater Committee: Tyrone Burns (N5XES)

- Tickfaw

o DB-224E type antenna <LINK>

▪ 37.9 lbs.

▪ Uses DB5001 Side Mount Kit

▪ $700.00 to $900.00

▪ Note: This is the current antenna we have on the tower.

o Sinclair SD224 Series

▪ 35 lbs.

▪ $1395.00 at Tessco

o Comprod 870 Series <LINK>

▪ 67 lbs. (Sent request to Crown Castle to see if the replacement would be

considered maintenance)

▪ $1726.00 + $360.00 shipping.

▪ The OZONE club antenna has been installed and showing great performance.

▪ This is the one the committee has requested to be approved by the Tower

Company to be an acceptable replacement. In being able to side mount directly to a leg of the tower we will have a structurally better installation.

▪ Here is a <LINK> to the pictures taken when this same antenna was installed in

Lacombe in the last two weeks.

o Quotes

▪ Crown Castle

● Comprod Antenna Option Light/Heavy Duty

● One-Time Service Fee: $6,000

o $1,000 Application Fee

o $2,500 Structural Analysis

o $2,500 Site Inspection Fee (Could be waived if they manage

repairs. There first response back was looking for construction

drawings which they said they could order for $2,500)

▪ Daley Tower Services Inc.

● Replacement of new antenna, mounts, and jumper: $6,625.00

o $2,010.00 Material

o $4,615.00 Labor

● First motion to accept by Tyrone Burns (N5XES. 2nd motion to accept by

Larry Lima (KI5JVY). Accepted.

- Hammond

o Mike Jackson (KI5GGP) provided great news on the tower bid being awarded. o 300’ Guyed tower being installed.

o Completion in the 9-weeks possibly. Possibly May or June

o Top antenna COMPROD 774-40 UHF Dipole

o 874-70 VHF Dipole possibly

o 872-270 side mount 275’

o 53170 6 meter single dipole 220-225 feet

o All new ⅞” heliax

o SBR-3000 Saber Tower, Rating 222H or maybe G. Whatever is the latest.

o Same Beacon

o R56 Motorola Grounding system

o Pine Tree took out West guy wire and the tower fell away from the building.

o Motion from Tyrone for honorary member. 1st Tyrone, 2nd Bill,

2022 Bike MS: Dat’s How We Roll: Russ Plyler (WI5ARD)

- March 19-20

- Thanks to all those that volunteered for the event.

- Thanks to Pete/Tyrone for troubleshooting repeater issues during the event.

- Please provide Pro's and Con’s for your site setup on the ride. Would like to have a document for the future that documents what the setup folks were using that worked.

- Thanks to all the volunteers that helped along the route this year. If you have been missed or see someone missed who helped please email Russ Plyler (WI5ARD) from QRZ listed address to add to the official meeting minutes.

o Carmen Bray (KFVXO) - University Center

o Pat Mason (KE5KMM) - MS Mobile Tour

o Ed Mason (KE5GMN) - Tangipahoa Comm Center - Net Control

o “Tugboat” Morvant (KG5NYN) - Motorcycle Mobile

o Scott Hernandez (KD5PCK) - SAG Vehicle Coordinator

o Jerry Burg (W5TE) - Independence High School Rest Stop

o Ralph Shaw (K5CAV) - Smiling Acres Rd & Hwy 16 Rest Stop

o Ernie Bush (N5NIB) - Smiling Acres Rd & Hwy 16 Rest Stop

o Chris Miltenberger (W5CMM) - Graham Rd & Hwy 1061

o Terry Williams (N1TDW) - Lunch Stop

o Lou White (KG5EFQ) - Lunch Stop

o Mike Starr (KF5INT - Lunch Stop

o Larry Lima (KI5JVY) - Lunch Stop

o Chuck Sanders (NO5W) - River Rd & Hwy 38

o Mark Lacy (WX5RN) - Cut-Off Rd & Why 1054

o Ryan Plyler (KI5FMA) - Hwy 1054 & 1055 Rest Stop

o Randy Dellucky (KI5NMJ) - Timberhill Christmas Tree Farm Rest Stop

o Cullen Watts (AD7KJ) - Percy Quin Park

o Jeffery Winborn (N5ZNT) - Percy Quin Park

Old Business:

● None discussed.

Field Day: Mark Lacey (WX5RN)

● Date: June 25th & 26th

● Location: AMVET Post at 26890 Hwy 42, Springfield LA (Junction of Hwy-42/43) ● VE Testing: Will testing happen the same weekend? Tyronne

● If you are going to participate please send emails to Mark Lacey (WX5RN) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and include what you may be planning on bringing as far as radio or other.


● If you are interested in training on a specific topic or interested in learning about a topic please reach out to Mark Lacey (WX5RN) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

● Yaesu Digital mode C4FM presentation presented by Russ Plyler (WI5ARD) around the DWARN system that is across Louisiana and Mississippi. The presentation shown has been uploaded to the History page within the DWARN website. Click <here> to view the presented document.

New Business:

● Bob Priez Scholarship at SLU vs. Honoring Bob with a plaque at the Tickfaw site. Plaque at theham radio club. Hamfest re-naming (Ralph Shaw)

○ Motion for $500 + donations by individuals 1 time towards scholarship by Tyrone Burns(N5XES). 2nd motion provided by Ralph. All agreed.

● New Ham Operators from Florida Parishes VE Group (Springfield, LA)

○ Robert Schilling Jr. - Livingston, La. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) - Technician○ George Easley Jr. - Greensburg, La. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Technician● FCC $35.00 application fee for new license in addition to $15.00 fee. Link needs added tomeeting minutes.

Upcoming events / Hamfest / Cancellations:

● Black Warrior Hamfest

○ June 18, 2022 in Northport, Alabama

● Dayton Hamvention

○ May 20th thru the 22nd

○ Greene County Expo Center, 120 Fairground Rd., Xenia, OH 45385

● Shreveport-Bossier Hamfest

○ August 13, 2022 in Shreveport, Louisiana

● Huntsville

○ August 20-21, 2022

General discussion, presentation, or training:

- Social Meeting / Eating Meeting

- More discussions need to be made around having some food during Field Day. Motion to adjourn:

- Motion to accept number 1, Motion to accept number 2, (Yes/No) All in favor.ed mark 2nd. Tyrone 1st, Keith 2nd.


News from The ARRL Letter

==> Friedrichshafen, Germany to Host the 45th International Amateur Radio Exhibition
After a 2-year break, amateur radio fans will reunite on Lake Constance in Friedrichshafen, Germany, from June 24 - 26, 2022, for HAM RADIO -- the 45th International Amateur Radio Exhibition. ...

==> Amateur Radio Helps Rescue Injured California Outdoorsman
A relaxing weekend of camping and fishing did not go as planned last
Friday when a member of a California outdoors club fell and broke his hip. The Old Goats Mountain Club (OGMC) had worked their way along an old Forest Service Road into a rugged, off grid location in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. Dave Johnson, KL7DJ, said his friend slipped and fell while trying reel in a catch. The injury was so severe that the man could not be moved safely with a trip that could take at least 2 hours over the rough terrain.
Johnson is the only licensed amateur radio operator in the group and using the California Amateur Linking Radio Association (CARLA) system, he was able to call for emergency help from this vehicle. Greg Stamback, KD6VEN, located in the San Francisco Bay area responded and contacted the Shasta County EMS which dispatched a REACH 5 rescue helicopter from their base in Redding, California. ...


--The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League



Stay Radio active -- Hope to see you at the next meeting. Be sure to monitor your weekly nets, e-mail, and the SELARC website at for any updates.


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