Category: The Hamster


The SELARC "Hamster"

*Serving Amateur Radio Since 1974*
Published Monthly by the Southeast Louisiana Amateur Radio Club Inc.
P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404
Visit our website:
Vol. 49, No. 09 ......................... September 2022
* Club Meeting *

Tuesday September 13, 2022 7:00 PM CDT
Location: Ponchatoula Community Center
300 N 5th St., Ponchatoula LA 70454

September Meet & Greet Over Food & Drinks (5 PM to 7 PM)
Tula Burger Co.
116 W Pine St, Ponchatoula, LA 70454

If you would like to become a member of SELARC, please print out and complete the application/renewal form and return it with your check to: P.O. Box 1324, Hammond LA 70404. Thanks!

Special Events, Other Hamfests & VE Sessions

Florida Parishes VE Group - Testing sessions are scheduled for the last Sunday of each month [with the exception of holiday conflicts] at AmVets Post #68; 26890 Hwy 42 (jct. of Hwys 42 and 43) - Springfield, La. 70462 (approximately 3 miles south of I-12 at exit 32) at 2pm with $15 testing fee. Bring photo ID and any appropriate CSCE. For more information contact [email protected] or Find an Amateur Radio License Exam in Your Area.

Happy Birthday

Birthday Wishes for September go out to Brenda Ricks KG5KBS, David Oehler K4BHY, Sue Muller WD5BVC, Ricky Cutrer KE5TQT, and David Oehler K4BHY
If we missed your birthday, then please let us know.

Minutes of the General Meeting, August 2022

SELARC Meeting Minutes

(Meeting Type: In-Person)

(Ponchatoula Civic Center)

August 9th, 2022

Call to order: Russ Plyler (WI5ARD) at 19:12 pm

Pledge of Allegiance: Russ Plyler (WI5ARD)

Introductions: Done

Minutes of previous meetings: Russ Plyler (WI5ARD)

  • 1st motion to accept meeting minutes as posted by Mark Lacey (WX5RN)
  • 2nd motion by Dean Melancon (KG5AAE)
  • All Approved

Members present: Keith Samrow (KF5VLX), Matt Anderson (KD5KNZ), Ryan Plyler (KI5FMA), Mike Jackson (KI5GGP), Ralph Shaw (K5CAV), Ed Mason (KE5GMN), Pat Mason (KE5KMM), Carmen Bray (KF5VXO), Walt Sarrat (N5RYI), Bill Harris (KF5YBY), Dean Melancon (KG5AAE), Mary Melancon (KG5ITF), Sumana Dismone (KI5WNV), Mark Lacey (WX5RN), Ernie Bush (N5NIB), Russ Plyler (WI5ARD), Larry Lima (KI5JVY), Robert Jaeger (KI5TYD), Mark Lukinovich (KW1O)

Guest present: Mark Lukinovich (KW1O) Daughter Kaf

Treasurers’ report: Ernie Bush (N5NIB)

  • 1st motion to accept the treasurer's report as presented by Keith Samrow (KF5VLX)
  • 2nd motion by Dean Melancon (KG5AAE)
  • All Approved

Bills / Correspondence:

  • $300.00 for liability insurance this month which is needed for the Hamfest.
  • Waiting to hear back from Matt Anderson on paying the Repeater Council (LCARC) dues of $15.00.
  • Tickfaw Tower Rental in September/October for $900.00.
  • $900 for the price of the new antenna at North Oaks tower site.

New member applications / renewals: Ernie Bush (N5NIB)

  • Sumana Dismone (KI5WNV)
  • 1st motion Mary “Pat” Mason (KE5KMM)
  • 2nd motion by Dean Melancon (KG5AAE)
  • All Approved.

Health and Welfare:

  • James Redmond (K5QNT) SK on August 4, 2022 <Obituary Link>
  • Mark Lacey (WX5RN) is all good and his wife Becky is still recovering..
  • David Assaf (W5XU) in and out of ICU. Ended up having surgery on July 5th because of having a dead gallbladder.

ARES report: Pat Mason (KE5KMM)

  • Check-ins are going up. Numbers keep going up. 23 for the net on 8/1.
  • There is a push to go to Winlink for digital communications. Quite a few folks want to get with Jerry for the hardware / software class and getting set up.

Hamfest Committee: Tyrone Burns (N5XES)

  • Tyrone worked on the packet to send out to the vendors.
  • Application has been sent out to the ARRL for our hamfest approval. Proposed date of Jan 21st, 2023 (3rd Saturday).
  • Recommendation was put out there for Yaesu 991A as a possible grand prize.
  • What type of prizes are people thinking about? Ed mentioned NANO VNA
  • Request put out for members to please submit prize ideas via email to Tyronne Burns (N5XES) and Russ Plyler (WI5ARD) via email address listed on

Repeater Committee: Tyrone Burns (N5XES)

  • Tickfaw
    • Russ Plyler (WI5ARD) reported on the Tickfaw site status.
    • After receiving permission from Crown Castle to install an A/C window unit Ernie Bush (N5NIB) and Russ Plyler (WI5ARD) went out to install the 5K unit in the opening. After running over lunch time IR readings were taken on all the walls and ceiling and pretty much identified no insulation has been installed. Thanks again to Larry Lima (KI5JVY) for the donation of the A/C unit to help in the cooling of the building.
    • 2 x 3’ jumpers have been purchased with straight N connectors to be installed between the 2 duplexers so all the equipment can be located within the cabinets.
    • 2 x 3’ jumpers have been purchased with 90’s on one end to allow connection of the Yaesu repeater to allow the doors to be closed and locked.
    • 2 x (1” x 4’) aluminum angle was purchased so that both duplexers can be relocated into the cabinet.
    • Next Steps
      • All grounds need to be tied together in the building. There are 3 separate grounds going into the facility between the power company, phone company, and gas company. The hardware was picked up to tie all the grounds in the building together.
      • Install 1” angle iron for duplexers to be mounted along with the relocation of both duplexers with new jumpers.
      • Not much can be done with the walls of the building but multiple members suggest applying foam insulation just on the roof to help with temperature in the building. The new A/C has helped but even with both A/C units running a 90 degree day outside adds up to 80 degrees inside.
      • Power distribution corrections in the cabinet. Need distribution blocks and connectors to allow for testing and or removal of equipment without exposure by current distribution.
      • Tickfaw power distribution corrections in the building. Per Crown Castle we can make the corrections to the outlets and pull wires in the existing conduit if needed. The light circuits cannot be touched and we have to inform them before and after doing any of the work.
      • Future: Need to look at solar panel options for the site once more of the internal work has been completed. It has been recommended that we may not want to leave the solar panels hooked up all the time but only deploy as needed during an outage.
  • Hammond
    • Mike Jackson (KI5GGP) reported on the status for the Hammond repeater site.
    • Everything has been ordered and should be here by July. The antennas might have been delivered to the hospital for maintenance. Mike is still looking into the issue.
    • Groundbreaking for the tower should be in the 1st week of August with the completion in August/September timeframe.
    • The requested change of the 4-element Comprod antenna for the top of tower was approved for the wind loading. The antenna will be ¼ wave. The club will owe $900 for the upgrade to the requested antenna.
    • Some antenna orientation will need to be discussed prior to them going up the tower. The orientation will be East/West with the stronger pattern of one of the lobes pointed to the North end of the Parish.
    • The new 6-meter antenna is quite large. This antenna is being targeted for a 6-meter repeater. 15’ for the length of the antenna. Comprod 531-70
    • Looking to get a cabinet donated to the club from one of the OZONE sites.

Old Business:

  • none

Field Day: Mark Lacey (WX5RN)

  • Date: June 24th, 2023


  • *** Here is a link to the National SOS Club Presentation shared during the meeting. <link>
  • Presentation on FRS and GMRS. Russ (WI5ARD)
    • Transmitting on FRS, GMRS & MURS with Ham Radios Legal? <link>
    • FCC ID Search <link>
    • One Radio To Rule Them All Discussion <link>
  • FCC ULS (Universal Licensing System) <link>
  • FCC General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS)
    • About <link>
    • 47 C.F.R. Part 95 Subpart E <link>
      • Frequencies, Linking, Age, Etc.
  • Websites
  • Radios
    • *** Wouxun KG-1000G <link>
      • Can be set up as a repeater with 2 radios.
  • If you are interested in training on a specific topic or interested in learning about a topic please reach out to Mark Lacey (WX5RN) [email protected].

New Business:

  • Congratulations to the new amateur radio operators and or upgrades from the 26 July 2022 VE Session of the Florida Parishes VE Group.
  • September Meet & Greet Over Food & Drinks (5 PM to 7 PM)
    • Tula Burger Co.
      • 116 W Pine St, Ponchatoula, LA 70454
        • September Meeting (7 PM to 8:30)
          • Ponchatoula Community Center
            • 300 N 5th St., Ponchatoula LA 70454

Upcoming events / Hamfest / Cancellations:

General discussion, presentation, or training:

  • It’s too HOT to talk about a Christmas Party.
  • Keith has a 6BTV Hustler multiband HF for sale. $200.00 1500 Watts

Motion to adjourn:

  • 1st motion to adjourn meeting by Keith Samrow (KF5VLX)
  • 2nd motion by Ernie Bush (N5NIB)
  • All Approved.
News from The ARRL Letter


--The ARRL Letter and The American Radio Relay League


Stay Radio active -- Hope to see you at the next meeting. Be sure to monitor your weekly nets, e-mail, and the SELARC website at for any updates.


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