SELARC Repeaters     
147.000- WB5NET PL 107.2/A/E 
145.130- WB5NET  PL 107.2  
145.010 WB5NET HMU digipeater 
444.250+ WB5NET  PL107.2 
Link to ARRL 


Join or Renew SELARC Membership

Club Net
Tangi ARES Net on Monday Nights at 7:30PM
SELARC meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month


Congratulations to the winners of the 4 main prizes at the SELARC 39th Annual Hamfest :

Grand Prize Lyle Wales–KD5JRY
Yaesu FT-450D
Second Prize John Beicher–KF5OPB
Yaesu FTM-400XDR
Third Prize Ralph Shaw–K5CAV
AA-230 Zoom Antennae Analyzer
Fourth Prize Bob–WB5FBS
Yaesu FT-70DR