Article Index

                            CONSTITUTION OF THE


                     (As Amended August-September, 1991)     

                         (As Amended June, 1995)

                         (As Amended July, 1999)

                        (As Amended August, 2014)

                             ARTICLE I

PURPOSE:  This document shall serve the purpose of establishing an Amateur Radio Club which shall promote all aspects of Amateur Radio** as the membership may desire and as authorized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).  This document shall serve as the governing law for the club.


                             ARTICLE II

NAME: The name of this club shall be "Southeast Louisiana Amateur Radio Club".

                            ARTICLE III

MEMBERSHIP: There shall be four membership categories as detailed below.


                             SECTION A

  1. Charter Membership: Those members present upon adoption of the original document, thereby establishing the club, and signifying their adoption of the original document by undersigning it. Charter members who are licensed amateur radio operators possess the same privileges as those of Regular members (except as noted in SECTION B, paragraph 2, below) and no more. Charter members who are not licensed amateur radio operators possess the same privileges as those of Associate members and no more.
  1. Regular Membership: Those licensed Amateur Radio operators who join the club after initial establishment of the club. Regular membership is obtained by an individual through personal expression of desire to become a member and abide by the governing laws of the club. Membership is approved by a two-thirds or more majority vote of the members present and voting at a regular meeting. Regular membership dues shall be established in the By-Laws of the club.
  1. Associate Membership: Those individuals who do not possess an Amateur Radio license but have an interest in Amateur Radio. Membership is obtained as described for Regular members. Associate members possess the same privileges as Regular members, except that they may enter into discussions but not vote or hold office. Further, the Associate member is prohibited from those club activities which require an Amateur Radio license, but no others. Associate membership dues shall be established in the By-Laws of the club.
  1. Honorary Life Membership: Those individuals who the membership feels have made outstanding contributions to the club or local Amateur Radio activities, and those individuals for which the membership feels such honorary recognition would be of mutual benefit to the club, individual, and/or local Amateur Radio activities. Nominations for honorary membership may be made in writing by any member to the President, detailing the reasons why the individual is worthy of such honorary recognition. With the concurrence of the Board of Directors

(see ARTICLE IV, paragraph 5), the nomination will be made to the membership at the next scheduled meeting. A unanimous vote of the members present shall be necessary to approve the nominee to membership. Honorary Life membership is effective when accepted by the individual nominated. Honorary members possess only those privileges as may be mutually agreed upon by the membership in recognition of the individual's contribution.

**Amateur Radio as defined by the FCC.                      Page 1



                             SECTION B


  1. A Regular membership shall be automatically converted to an Associate membership concurrent with the expiration of an operator's license or revocation of that license by the FCC, unless the member specifies that he or she desires termination of membership.
  1. A Charter member whose license expires or is revoked by the FCC will automatically possess only the privileges of an Associate member concurrent with the expiration or revocation. However, Charter membership is maintained. The termination of membership of a Charter member shall not void recognition as a participant in the establishment of the club and his signature undersigning the document will remain.
  1. Membership may be VOLUNTARILY terminated by any individual by written or verbal expression of this desire at any scheduled meeting. An individual's membership may be INVOLUNTARILY terminated by a three-fourths vote of the voting membership present at a scheduled meeting. The specific reasons for termination shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Reasons for termination shall consist of, but are not limited to, those as may be specified in the By-Laws for failure to comply with established laws or procedures.
  1. Membership may be terminated for non-payment of dues. This shall occur after a suitable grace period as defined in the By-Laws. This specific reason for termination shall be recorded in the offical minutes of a regular meeting.



                             ARTICLE IV


  1. Club officers shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
  1. The officers of the club must be licensed Amateur Radio operators, must be regular club members, and must be elected by a majority vote of the voting members present at the election meeting. The election meeting shall be held during the month specified in the By-Laws.
  1. Vacancies occurring between elections shall be filled by special elections at the first regular meeting following the withdrawal or resignation. The newly elected officer shall serve the remaining portion of the term of the officer replaced.
  1. Officers may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the voting membership. The officer being considered for removal shall be notified of the specific reason for removal 30 days prior to the vote.
  1. The current officers, the immediate past President and a member appointed

By the current President shall constitute the Board of Directors.

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                             ARTICLE V


  1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and assure that all actions are within the scope of established guide lines. He or she shall decide questions of order and sign all official documents that are adopted by the club, and none other, and perform all other customary activities associated with the executive position of an organization.
  1. Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President at meetings when the President is absent. He or she shall assume the duties of the President in full in cases where the President is not available and the interest of the club would be served by timely action. Full duties of the President shall also be assumed in the case of office vacation by the President

and until election of a President can be effected.  The Vice-President shall also serve as chairman of the program committee.                                                                       

  1. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep a written record of all club proceedings in the form of minutes, and he or she shall have this record, with the Constitution and By-Laws, available at all regular meetings. As the need arises, the Secretary shall make written changes to the Constitution and By-Laws as adopted by the voting membership. In addition, the Secretary shall prepare and record all club correspondence, and he or she shall maintain a current roll of the membership.
  1. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect and dispense club finances, and he or she shall maintain an accurate record of these finances. The Treasurer shall present an up-to-date report of club finances at each regular club meeting. He or she shall be the officer who signs all checks and other documents pertaining to club finances.


                             ARTICLE VI


  1. Definition and Purpose: The By-Laws of the club consist of detailed rules and regulations which are necessary for proper administration of club activities. These laws supplement the Constitution and may not modify or surpass the limitations established by the Constitution.
  1. Adoption, Modification, and Revocation: A By-Law may be proposed by any voting member at any scheduled general meeting. The specific wording of the By-Law must be presented in written form to the presiding officer. The proposal will be promulgated in a newsletter and acted upon in the following regular general meeting.  By-Laws shall be adopted, modified, or revoked by a two-thirds majority of those members present and voting.  Revocations and modifications shall be affected by the same procedures for new By-Laws.


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                           ARTICLE VII


  1. PURPOSE: The Constitution shall be modified through amendments. These amendments shall become a permanent part of the Constitution upon adoption and may modify, revoke, or add to existing articles or previous amendments.
  1. ADOPTION: Amendments may be proposed by any voting member by presenting the proposed wording in writing to the presiding officer at a scheduled general meeting. The amendment shall be promulgated in a newsletter and be acted upon in the following scheduled general meeting. Amendments are adopted by a two-thirds vote of those members present and voting.

Ratification of these amendments signified by the signatures below:


James Valega, President   


Michael Ansalve, Vice-President


David Catania, Treasurer


Robert Priez, Secretary

                                                           Page 4

                      BY-LAWS TO THE CONSTITUTION

                               OF THE


                    (As amended November, 1993)

                      (As amended June, 1995)

                      (As amended July, 1999)

                     (As Amended August, 2014)

                             ARTICLE I


  1. Election of officers shall be held at the first regular club meeting during the month of July.
  1. A nominating committee comprised of the Board of Directors shall propose a slate of candidates to be elected, and shall present this slate of candidates to the general membership at the last regular meeting in the month prior to the election.
  1. Any voting member of the club may submit additional nominations from the floor at the time of election.
  1. Elected officers shall assume their respective duties at the adjournment of the meeting at which they were elected.
  1. Officers shall be elected for a term of two years.

                             ARTICLE II


  1. The Board of Directors shall meet at least one week prior to the regular club meeting. At this time, the Board of Directors shall review outstanding club business and prepare an agenda for the club meeting.
  1. Any member may present items of new business for consideration by the Board of Directors in its preparation of the agenda for the club meeting.

                             ARTICLE III

                              SECTION A


  1. An applicant shall submit an official SELARC membership application form a minimum of 30 days prior to the next scheduled SELARC meeting.
  1. During this 30-day period prior to the aforementioned meeting, the application shall be published for member consideration in the SELARC newsletter.
  1. Only after these requirements are met can the application be approved by a 2/3 or more majority of members present and voting.
  1. The applicant shall not be present at the time of voting.
  1. Once the applicant has been approved, membership becomes official after payment of dues has been received and verified by the SELARC treasurer.


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                             ARTICLE III

                              SECTION B


  1. The club business meetings shall be conducted according to ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER.
  1. The President shall appoint a Parlimentarian who shall rule on questions of parlimentary procedure.
  1. In order to promote the full and responsive participation of all members in the activities of the club, responsibilities in these activities shall be distributed on the basis of a committee system.

This system shall be composed of standing and ad-hoc committees appointed by the President to perform their necessary functions within the club structure.  The standing committees are listed below:

  1. The Program committee: the responsibilities of the Program committee shall include the provision of stimulating and informative programs for club meetings. These programs should pertain directly or indirectly to Amateur Radio and should provide the membership with incentives for attendance and participation.
  1. The Public Relations committee: the responsibilities of the Public Relations committee shall be to provide a liason between the club and the community. In this role, the committee should advertise and promote the activities of Amateur Radio service within the community.
  1. The Education committee: the responsibilities of the Education committee shall be to recruit and to provide quality training and aid in licensing for those individuals who express an interest and propensity for Amateur Radio. In a dual effort and as an adjunct of recruitment, this committee should work in conjunction with the Public Relations committee to provide programs for educating the community.
  1. The Hamfest committee: the responsibilities of the Hamfest committee shall be to plan, execute and oversee all aspects of the annual SELARC Hamfest. It shall be responsible for financial planning and expenditures for the event and shall make a full and accurate disclosure of all transactions before and after the Hamfest.
  1. The Activities committee: the main responsibilities of the Activities committee shall be the planning and the realization of the Field Day and Hamfest programs. In addition, this committee may also work in conjunction with other committees such as Public Relations and Education in the accomplishment of common goals.
  1. The Repeater committee: the responsibilities of the Repeater committee shall be to oversee proper use of the club repeaters, to recommend improvements in operation and/or equipment, and to implement such repeater activities as authorized by the club membership. This committee shall oversee procurement, disposal, storage, and maintenance supervision of all club properties and equipment.  In addition, the committee shall keep a continuous and up-to-date inventory available at regular meetings.
  1. The President may appoint ad-hoc and other committees as needed.

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                    ARTICLE IV

REVIEW: The Board of Directors shall review the Constitution and By-Laws before the end of its term of office and it shall recommend modifications to the membership when changes are necessary.

                                ARTICLE V


  1. Club dues for all Charter, Regular and Associate members under the age of sixty-two (62) shall be thirty dollars ($30) per annum.
  1. Club dues for Charter, Regular and Associate members age sixty-two (62) and over shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) per annum.
  1. Should an associate member become a licensed Amateur Radio operator, his or her membership status will change to that of a Regular member.
  1. Club dues for a second club member living at the same address and with the same phone number shall only be an additional ten dollars ($10) for annual membership.
  1. Club dues for Regular and Associate members age seventeen (17) or younger shall be one-half the amount of Regular membership per annum.
  1. Club dues shall be due at the January club meeting of each year.
  1. The grace period for non-payment of dues shall be three months. This period ends at the April club meeting.
  1. The dues for new members who join the club at a date later than January shall be determined on a percentage of the time remaining in the dues year. This pro-rata does not apply to membership renewal.

Ratification of these amendments signified by the signatures below:


James Valega, President  


Michael Ansalve, Vice-President


David Catania, Treasurer


Robert Priez, Secretary

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